Star-search (*) results in error message
johnnovak opened this issue · 7 comments
This is weird, how did you install nim.nvim
Using Packer.
I uninstalled/reinstalled it a few times, same results.
Did you install nim.nvim with opt = true
And what is your neovim version?
No I didn't use opt=true. I use the latest 0.5.x nightly build from a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately I can not reproduce this with the following configuration:
-- This file can be loaded by calling `lua require('plugins')` from your init.vim
-- Only required if you have packer configured as `opt`
vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]]
-- Only if your version of Neovim doesn't have merged
-- vim._update_package_paths()
return require('packer').startup(function()
-- Packer can manage itself
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
-- Simple plugins can be specified as strings
use 'alaviss/nim.nvim'
lua require('plugins')
This is on a blank profile. Can you share your configuation with me?
Ok, sorry man, now I tried removing and reinstalling it again, and now it works fine... I must have screwed something up. I was experimenting with other Nim plugins as well, maybe yours interacted with some remnants of those. others..
So please close this, user error.
On a related note, this is a cool project, but because of the general unreliability of nimsuggest I can't use the LSP based stuff; nimsuggest just dies when navigating around my medium sized project that contains a fair bit of macros. It's not your fault, I know. However, it would be useful to introduce some global config parameters to be able to toggle parts of the plugin (e.g. I'd like to disable LSP because it's virtually useless for me, and just enable the parts that can work without LSP, e.g. regexp based syntax highlighting, the asterisk search improvement, etc).
However, it would be useful to introduce some global config parameters to be able to toggle parts of the plugin (e.g. I'd like to disable LSP because it's virtually useless for me, and just enable the parts that can work without LSP, e.g. regexp based syntax highlighting, the asterisk search improvement, etc).
There are some configs but there are none to disable nimsuggest yet. One of the main issues is that I designed the plugin to depend on nimsuggest for the bulk of the highlighting, so disabling nimsuggest may cripple the usability of the plugin a tad too much. But I will consider it.
I'm gonna close this issue since this it is solved.