
Use node image magick library to recursively compress every image in a file directory

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Use node image magick library to recursively compress every image in a file directory


### STEP 1: - While installing, be sure to check `install legacy options` and `add to system path` - Install image-magick by clicking the file `ImageMagick-7.0.3-0-Q16-x64-dll.exe`


  • Install Node by clicking the file node-v6.5.0-x64.msi

STEP 3: Copy Scripts to your computer

  • Copy the Scripts folder (\\CAD-PC\MANUFACTURING\Scripts, the one you are currently in)
  • Paste where ever you like (Recommended: C:\)
  • Remember where you put it, you'll need the file path in step 4

STEP 4: Add ...\Scripts\compress-img to system path

  • Search windows (windows key) for environment

  • Navigate to Settings -> Edit the system environment variables

  • Click Environment Variables in bottom right of window

  • In System Variables, scroll to Path

  • Highlight Path, and click Edit...

  • Enter the full path to the location you saved Scripts folder, adding a ; at the end (; only applies to windows 8)

    • Ex: C:\path\you\put\this\folder\in\Scripts\compress-img; be careful not to erase any previous entries
  • Apply, Save, Finished!


### To run the script: - Using the Windows File Explorer, navigate to the file(s) you want to compress - In the explorer's address bar, type one of the following commands depending on your intention

compress filename :: Compress the file titled exactly as it is written

compress all :: Compress every file in current directory

compress all -r :: Compress every file in current directory AND all subdirectories