
Web torrent downloader and cloud storage.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm Travis branch Codecov branch Dependency Status js-standard-style

New version

I am currently develloping a new version with more recent technologies right now. Check out Tcloud for more informations.

===== View =====

directory-view torrent-view

===== Installation =====

With Git

$ git clone https://github.com/Lunik/Lunik-Torrent.git
$ cd Lunik-Torrent
$ npm install

Configuration into: configs/config.json


$ npm start
or with forever
$ npm run deamon

With Heroku

Deploy /!\ Heroku don't store any data. Once your app shutdown, you will loose all your login and your files. To prevent that you can use kaffeine to keep your app UP 24/24.

With Docker

Docker Stars Docker Pulls

Create config.json following this pattern config.default. Then put it int /your_config_folder.

Then run:

$ docker pull lunik/lunik-torrent
$ docker run -d \
	-p 8080:8080 \
	-v /your_config_folder:/usr/src/app/configs \
	-v /your_download_folder:/usr/src/app/files \

===== Infos =====


You need an inscription code provided by the server admin.

Create an invitation code

Goto to http://myapp.com/auth/invite?masterKey=MY_MASTER_KEY

For more advanced user

$ curl --data "masterKey=MY_MASTER_KEY" http://localhost:5000/auth/invite

To register go to http://localhost:5000/login.html#your_invitation_code