
Testing Semaphore Setup

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

The React Codebase for Fertile Crescent Website [WIP]

This repo is the MVP front-end for Fertile Crescent Website

Installation Prerequisite

Install the following the way it is being instructed:

  • NVM
  • Git
  • Yarn. Do NOT run brew install yarn. Instad, under Alternatives, follow the shell script that installs via curl.

Once done, you can clone the repo. Now, cd into the directory and run

$ nvm install # installs version of Node from .nvmrc
$ nvm use

This would ensure you are always on correct version. You might also want to install nvm-auto-use plugin for zsh.

Running the app

Run the start script:

$ yarn start # invokes webpack-dev-server

And visit localhost:8080 in your browser.