
Application that connects to Bitso cryptocurrency exchange services.

Primary LanguageJava

Stock Trading

Application that connects to the Bitso cryptocurrency exchange, maintains state between the application and Bitso, and simulates trade execution following a simple trading strategy.

CircleCI Coverage Status



  • Regarding "Display the X most recent trades on the same UI". The X represents the same number as in the best bids and best asks configuration.

  • X will have a maximum of 500.

  • If X is greater than the available trades at any particular moment the UI will display the maximum number of trades at that moment.

  • Imaginary or simulated trades created using "contrarian trading strategy" will have the same info (id, price, created_at, etc.) as the previous trade.

  • The default value of M and N is three.

  • If M is zero or less than zero no simulated trade will be added.

  • If N is zero or less than zero no simulated trade will be added.

  • When a new simulated trade is created using the "contrarian trading strategy", the upticks and downticks count will reset. E.g.

    M = 3
    N = 3
    price = 1000  //uptick = 0, downtick = 0
    price = 1001  //uptick = 1, downtick = 0
    price = 1002  //uptick = 2, downtick = 0
    price = 1003  //uptick = 3, downtick = 0
    price = 1003  //uptick = 0, downtick = 0 New simulated trade, count reset
    price = 1004  //uptick = 1, downtick = 0
  • Uptick and downtick counting will start right after the system preloads old trades. E.g.

    // System starts and shows old trades
    price = 1000
    price = 1001
    price = 1002
    price = 1003
    // Then the systems retrieves new trades and starts counting
    price = 1004  //uptick = 0, downtick = 0
    price = 1002  //uptick = 0, downtick = 1


Feature File name Method name
Schedule the polling of trades over REST. TradingService start
Request a book snapshot over REST. OrderBookUpdater loadOrderBook
Listen for diff-orders over websocket. DiffOrdersMessageHandler onMessage
Replay diff-orders. DiffOrderApplier applyDiffOrders
Use config option X to request recent trades. TradingService getLastTrades
Use config option X to limit number of ASKs displayed in UI. OrderBookHolder getBestAsks
The loop that causes the trading algorithm to reevaluate. TradingSimulator addSimulatedTrades