
A GeoJSON based map viewer written in React and NextJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A GeoJSON based map viewer written in React and NextJS


  • Easy to use and extend
  • Fully responsive
  • Custom dark map theme
  • Layer-based viewing with the ability to toggle layers
  • Able to render all geometry types specified in the GeoJSON Specification
  • All geometry types are stylable with custom colors (Full support for Leaflet's Path class is in the works)


  • Creating a custom theme for a map isn't easy and takes a bit of time to get the grips of it. Currently the map tiles are provided by Mapbox, but I plan to switch to a custom tileserver when I have the time to implement it so Ritter is vendor-independent.
  • Getting react-leaflet and by extension Leaflet to work was fairly difficult. Often times there was no information on how to achieve specific things so I had to come up unique solutions to get everything working.
    • Getting the initial map to render correctly took some time (for example SSR with react-leaflet)
    • Updating what is rendered on the map without reloading the whole map was also fairly difficult

What I'd like to improve

  • Add support for Multi versions of GeoJSON geometries
  • Switch to a local tileserver for tile generation
  • Add support to graphically edit the GeoJSON data
  • Allow more detailed viewing of the data
    • e.g. flyTo a specific geometry
    • Information about the geometry
    • Support for popups