
Dan Wahlin's VS Code snippets for Angular2 converted to Sublime Text

Angular 2 Sublime Text TypeScript and HTML Snippets

Converted from Dan Wahlin's VS Code Angular2-Snippets. This will add shortcuts for Angular 2 TypeScript & HTML code snippets in your Sublime editor.

How To Use the Snippets

If you have Package Control installed, just add this repository and install it as a package.

Else, throw the snippets in: Library -> Application Support -> Sublime Text (3) -> Packages -> User

Type one of the snippet names below and hit Tab to use! You can type a2 then Ctrl + Spacebar to pull up a list to choose from also.

TypeScript Snippets

a2bootstrap       - Bootstrap snippet
a2component       - Component snippet
a2httpImport      - Http module import snippet
a2httpMap         - Http map() snippet
a2import          - Import snippet
a2inputProperty   - @Input property snippet
a2outputEvent     - @Output event snippet
a2pipe            - Pipe snippet
a2routeConfig     - @RouteConfig snippet
a2route           - Route definition snippet
a2service         - Service snippet
a2subscribe       - Observable subscribe snippet
a2provideUseClass - provide() with useClass

HTML Snippets

a2classBinding              - [class] binding snippet
a2ngClass                   - [ngClass] snippet
a2ngFor                     - *ngFor snippet
a2ngForm                    - ngForm snippet
a2ngIf                      - *ngIf snippet
a2ngModel                   - [(ngModel)] binding snippet
a2routerLink                - basic [routerLink] snippet
a2routerLinkWithParameter   - [routerLink] with router parameter snippet
a2ngSwitch                  - [ngSwitch] snippet
a2ngStyle                   - [ngStyle] snippet
a2select                    - <select> control using *ngFor snipppet
a2styleBinding              - [style] binding snippet