Background Context

Welcome to the AirBnB clone project!

First step: Write a command interpreter to manage your AirBnB objects.

This is the first step towards building your first full web application: the AirBnB clone. This first step is very important because you will use what you build during this project with all other following projects: HTML/CSS templating, database storage, API, front-end integration…

Each task is linked and will help you to:

  • put in place a parent class (called BaseModel) to take care of the initialization, serialization and deserialization of your future instances
  • create a simple flow of serialization/deserialization: Instance <-> Dictionary <-> JSON string <-> file
  • create all classes used for AirBnB (User, State, City, Place…) that inherit from BaseModel
  • create the first abstracted storage engine of the project: File storage.
  • create all unittests to validate all our classes and storage engine

What’s a command interpreter?

Do you remember the Shell? It’s exactly the same but limited to a specific use-case. In our case, we want to be able to manage the objects of our project:

-Create a new object (ex: a new User or a new Place) -Retrieve an object from a file, a database etc…

  • Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc…)
  • Update attributes of an object
  • Destroy an object

Learning Objectives

  • How to create a Python package
  • How to create a command interpreter in Python using the cmd module
  • What is Unit testing and how to implement it in a large project
  • How to serialize and deserialize a Class
  • How to write and read a JSON file
  • How to manage datetime
  • What is an UUID
  • What is *args and how to use it
  • What is **kwargs and how to use it
  • How to handle named arguments in a function

Enderstand command line interpreter 🤔

How to Start a Command Interpreter ?

1. Access the Terminal/Command Prompt

  • On Windows, you can open the Command Prompt by searching for "cmd" or "Command Prompt" in the Start menu.
  • On macOS, open the Terminal application, typically found in the "Utilities" folder within the "Applications" directory.
  • On Linux, you can access the command-line interface by opening the Terminal application or using keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Ctrl+Alt+T).

2. Login

  • If required, you may need to log in with a username and password, depending on your system configuration.

3. Choose a Shell

  • In most cases, the default shell (e.g., Bash on Linux, Command Prompt on Windows) will start automatically. You can also switch to different shells if installed (e.g., Zsh)

How to Use a Command Interpreter ?

Once you have the command interpreter open, you can start issuing commands. Here are some basic commands and how to use them.

Navigating the File System

  • cd /path/to/directory
  • ls (List files and directories in the current directory) ...

Manipulating Files and Directories

  • mkdir myDirectoryName (Create a new directory)
  • touch my_file.extensionOrNot (To create a file)
  • rm my_bad_file.txt (Delete a file)
  • rm -r directoryName (Remove a directory with all childs)

Running Programs

ou can run programs and scripts by typing their names. For example, to run a Python script:

  • python

Piping and Redirection

ou can use | to pipe the output of one command as input to another. For example, to search for a specific term in a file:

  • cat my_file.txt | grep "search_term"

You can redirect output to a file using >

  • ls > file_list.txt

Viewing Files

You can use commands like cat, more, or less to view the contents of a text file:

  • cat my_file.txt

Have happy learning 🚀
Alban Okoby 🐱‍👤