
Boilerplate for running serverless framework on docker

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Dockerless: serverless framework on docker

Boilerplate for running serverless framework on docker

Setup environment variables

cp .env.example .env

Update .env file using your AWS credentials

Build your app

./app build

Run a docker command or a command inside docker

./app [COMMAND]

Create new app

Create a new app base on a templates, aws-nodejs is the nodejs template for aws serverless You can use different templates based on your language of preference and your cloud environment

./app sls create -t aws-nodejs

Get all availiable commands


All availiable commands

Docker commands:
  build                Build the docker container
  config               Split out the docker-conpose file used
  rm     [PARAMS]      Remove docker containers, add -v to remove volumes also
  down   [PARAMS]      Stop and remove containers and networks, extra params:
                           -v to remove volumes
                           --rmi type [local, all] to remove images

Development commands:
  connect              Login to docker shell interface
  npm    [COMMAND]     Run npm commands inside the docker container
  sls    [COMMAND]     Run a serverless command inside doker
  invoke [-f FUNCTION] Invoke a local serverless function
  deploy               Deploy to your sandbox

Aws Credentials

Serverless credentials docs: (https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials/)

  1. Create a aws user
  2. Create aws policies if required
  3. Attach polices to user directly or assign user to a group with existing polices
  4. Goto security credentials tab and create an access key
  5. Update .env file with your AWS credentials

Deploy your app

If your credentials are setup correctly then run:

./app sls deploy

and your app will be packed and deploy to the right enviroment base on serverless.yml

Extending serverless.yml

Plugins to consider:

  - serverless-pseudo-parameters