
Github hosting for binaries managed by node-pre-gyp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Work in progress, not yet published on NPM

Build status Code Climate Coverage Status NPM version

Github hosting for binaries managed by node-pre-gyp.

This project acts as a plugin to node-pre-gyp. It changes 'publish', 'unpublish' and 'install' commands behaviors so that packaged binaries are uploaded and downloaded from github using the releases API.


npm install node-pre-gyp-hosting-github


Complete node-pre-gyp options in your package.json with a 'hosting' object.

    "name": "node-addon-example",
    "binary": {
        "module_name": "node_addon_example",
        "module_path": "./lib/binding/{configuration}/{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}/",
        "remote_path": "./{module_name}/v{version}/{configuration}/",
        "package_name": "{module_name}-v{version}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz",
        "hosting": {
            "provider": "github",
            "repo": "albanm/node-addon-example"
    "dependencies": {
        "node-pre-gyp": "albanm/node-pre-gyp",
        "node-pre-gyp-hosting-github": "albanm/node-pre-gyp-hosting-github"
    "scripts": {
        "install": "node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build"


To publish and unpublish binaries you will need to create a github token with 'public_repo' and 'repo_deployment' scopes. Then pass it to node-pre-gyp configuration using a environment variable for example:

export node_pre_gyp_githubToken=...


node-pre-gyp clean build package publish


To allow you travis-ci build to publish binaries run this:

gem install travis
travis encrypt node_pre_gyp_githubToken=...

Then complete your .travis.yml file with something like this:

    secure: RuuJ49H...

Manual publishing

This is particularly useful to publish binaries submitted by users that don't have write access to your repository.

To add packaged binaries to your github releases you can run:

node-pre-gyp clean build package

Then upload the tarball file created in your build/staged directory directly to github, in your repository's page click on 'releases' then 'Edit'.