Go Payment App


This is a simple transfer app from customer to merchant.

API Documentation

Create User

Request :

  • Method : POST
  • Endpoint : /users
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
  • Body :
  "email": "albaras@gmail.com",
  "username": "albar",
  "password": "secret",
  "role": "user"

Login User

Request :

  • Method : POST

  • Endpoint : /users/login

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
  • Body :

      "username": "albar",
      "password": "secret"

List User

Request :

  • Method : GET

  • Endpoint : /users

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

Update User

Only user with role admin can access this route

Request :

  • Method : PUT
  • Endpoint : /users
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token
  • Body :
  "id": "sdifjij39214",
  "email": "albaras@gmail.com",
  "username": "albar",
  "password": "secret",
  "role": "user"

Create Customer

Request :

  • Method : POST

  • Endpoint : /customers

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token
  • Body :

      "name": "Albar Adimas Suntoro"

List Customer

Only user with role admin can access this route

Request :

  • Method : GET
  • Endpoint : /customers
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

Get Customer By Name

Request :

  • Method : GET

  • Endpoint : /customers/:name

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

Delete Customer

Request :

  • Method : DELETE
  • Endpoint : /customers/:id
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token


Request :

  • Method : GET
  • Endpoint : /transaction/top-up
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token
  • Body :
    "amount" : 10000

Create Merchant

Request :

Only user with role admin can access this route

  • Method : POST

  • Endpoint : /merchants

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token
  • Body :

      "name": "XLEND",
      "description": "Perusahan Retail",
      "busines_type": "retail"

Delete Customer

Only user with role admin can access this route

Request :

  • Method : DELETE
  • Endpoint : /merchants/:id
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

Get Merchant By Id

Request :

  • Method : GET

  • Endpoint : /customers/:id

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

List Merchant

Request :

  • Method : GET
  • Endpoint : /merchants
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

Create Transaction

Request :

  • Method : POST

  • Endpoint : /transactions

  • Header :

    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token
  • Body :

      "receiver_merchant_id": "659092c2-da66-42bf-b61c-0464dabb9a2e",
      "amount": 100

List Transaction

Request :

  • Method : GET
  • Endpoint : /transactions
  • Header :
    • Content-Type : application/json
    • Accept : application/json
    • Authorization : Bearer token

How to run

  • Clone this repository
  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • Change the value of .env to your configuration
  • Download packages with go mod tidy
  • Create database db_payments
  • Copy config/database/init.sql to your database
  • Run the app with go run main.go

How to run with docker

  • Clone this repository
  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • Change the value of .env to your configuration
  • Run docker-compose up -d
  • Enter the db container with docker exec -it payments-app-db-1 sh
  • login to postgres with psql -U postgres
  • Create database db_payments with CREATE DATABASE db_payments;
  • Copy config/database/init.sql to your database

How to deploy

  • Clone this repository to your server
  • Do the same as how to run with docker
  • Setup nginx to your server
  • Setup ssl to your server
  • Setup reverse proxy to your server