
My name is Albert Rise Nielsen, and this is my personal profile. For projects devised while attending ITU see this organization.


  • 📖 My highest, finished, education is a Bachelor of Science in Software Development.
  • 🔭 I'm studying Computer Science at the IT University of Copenhagen
  • ⌛ I'm currently on my 1st semester of the master
  • 👾 My current interests are Security, DevOps, database design and distributed systems
  • 🌱 I work in the food industry, redesigning the food system. See more at the awesome Dagens
  • 🚴 Outside of work and the university i love bicycles, electric cars and gaming
  • 📧 Reach me at, always open to a discussion.
  • 🖌️ Currently obsessing over Everforest
  • ⚡ Currently working on my dotfiles, converting and uniting all my projects in Kubernetes and a personal website.

albe2669 albe2669

I like data, so here are some metrics.


email linkedin docker