
Integrated Genome Modeling

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

IGM: An Integrated Genome Modeling Platform

This is the modeling platform used in the Alber lab (University of California, Los Angeles). For any inquiry, please send an email to Lorenzo (bonimba@g.ucla.edu) (feedbacks and advice are much appreciated!!!). The source code is in the igm folder.

In a nutshell: IGM generates a population of single cell full genome (diploid/haploid) structures, which fully recapitulate a variety of experimental genomic and/or imaging data. As of now, it does NOT preprocess raw experimental data [details about pre-processing are provided in the main reference, Boninsegna et al, Nature Methods (2022), see below]

NEW: how to go from 'mcool' to 'hcs' HiC input, see below in the README.md

Jan 2022

  • Hi-C data, SPRITE data
  • lamina DamID data in combination with ellipsoidal/spherical nuclear envelope
  • FISH data, both "pairs" and "radial" options active
  • if software downloaded and installed before Sept. 17th, 2021, please reinstall


If you use genome structures generated using this platform OR you use the platform to generate your own structures, please use the following reference for citing purposes:

Boninsegna, L., Yildirim, A., Polles, G. et al. Integrative genome modeling platform reveals essentiality of rare contact events in 3D genome organizations. Nat Methods 19, 938–949 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-022-01527-x.

Repository Organization

  • igm: full IGM code(s)
  • bin: IGM run, server and GUI scripts. In particular, refer to igm-run.sh (actual submission script) and igm-report.sh (post-processing automated script). GUI scripts have been discontinued.
  • demo: example inputs (.hcs, .json files) for demo run
  • HPC_scripts: create ipyparallel environment and submit actual IGM run on a SGE scheduler based HpC cluster
  • igm-run_scheme.pdf: is a schematic which breaks down the different computing levels of IGM and tries to explain how the different parts of the code are related to one another.
  • IGM_documentation.pdf: documentation (in progress)
  • igm-config_all.json: most comprehensive configuration file which shows parameters for all data sets that can be accommodated


IGM not longer supports python 2, so you'll need a python3 environment. The package depends on a number of other libraries, most of them publicly available on pip. In addition, some other packages are required:

  • alabtools (github.com/alberlab/alabtools)
  • a modified version of LAMMPS (github.com/alberlab/lammpgen)

Installation on linux

  • Many of the alabtools and IGM dependencies can be installed with a few commands if you are using conda (https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/)

    Please note, we are running conda versions back from 2019. More recent versions might cause compatibility issues.

    # optional - create a new environment for igm
    conda create -n igm python=3.6
    source activate igm
    # install dependencies
    conda install pandas swig cython cgal==4.14 hdf5 h5py numpy scipy matplotlib \
                  tornado ipyparallel cloudpickle
    • It looks like cgal version needs to be 4.14, there are some compatibility issues with latest 5.0 version.

    If you really do not want to use conda, most of the packages can be installed with pip, but it is up to you to download and build cgal and hdf5, and eventually set the correct include/library paths during installation.

  • Install alabtools (github.com/alberlab/alabtools)

    pip install git+https://github.com/alberlab/alabtools.git

    Note: on windows, conda CGAL generates the library, but the name depends on the build, e.g CGAL-vc140-mt-4.12.lib. Go to /Library/lib/ and copy the CGAL library to CGAL.lib before pip installing alabtools.

  • Install IGM

    pip install git+https://github.com/alberlab/igm.git 
  • Download and build a serial binary of the modified LAMMPS version

    git clone https://github.com/alberlab/lammpgen.git
    cd lammpgen/src
    make yes-user-genome
    make yes-molecule
    make serial
    # create a user defaults file with the path of the executable
    mkdir -p ${HOME}/.igm
    echo "[DEFAULT]" > ${HOME}/.igm/user_defaults.cfg
    echo "optimization/kernel_opts/lammps/lammps_executable = "$(pwd)/src/lmp_serial >> ${HOME}/.igm/user_defaults.cfg
  • If all the dependencies have been installed correctly, successful code installation should only take a few minutes.

  • If igm installation is successful, typing igm from the command line + TAB should show the different options (igm-run, igm-report, etc.)

Important notes

  • IGM uses works mostly through the file system. The reason for the design stood on the local cluster details, persistence of data, and minimization of memory required by the scheduler and workers. That means, in short, that scheduler, workers and the node which executes the igm-run script need to have access to a shared filesystem where all the files will be located.
  • Preprocessing of data is a big deal itself. Hi-C matrices need to be transformed to probability matrices, DamID profiles too, FISH and SPRITE data needs to be preprocessed and transformed to the correct format. Some of these processes have yet to be completely and exaustively documented publicly. We are working on it, but in the meantime email if you need help.

Using IGM

In order to generate population of structures, the code has to be run in parallel mode, and High Performance Computing is necessary. The scripts to do that on a SGE scheduler-based HPC resources are provided in the HCP_scripts folder. Just to get an estimate, using 250 independent cores allows generating a 1000 200 kb resolution structure population in 10-15 hour computing time, which can vary depending on the number of different data sources that are used and on the number of iterations one decides to run.

Populations of 5 or 10 structures at 200kb resolution (which is the current highest resolution we simulated) could in principle be generated serially on a "normal" desktop computer, but they have little statistical relevance. For example, 10 structures would only allow to deconvolute Hi-C contacts with probability larger than 10%, which is not sufficient for getting realistic populations. Serial executions are appropriate only at much lower resolution, as the computing burden is also much lower (an example is provided in the demo folder, see also Software demo)

Due to the necessity of HPC resources, we strongly recommend that the software be installed and run in a Linux environment. ALL the populations we have generated and analyzed were generated using a Linux environment. We cannot guarantee full functionality on a MacOS or Windows.

In order to run IGM to generate a population which uses a given combination of data sources, the igm-config.json file needs to be edited accordingly, by specifying the input files and adding/removing the parameters for each data source when applicable (a detailed description of the different entries that are available is given under igm/core/defaults). Then, software can be run using igm-run igm-config.json. Specifically:

  • Go into igm-config.json file (or your config file) and edit optimization/kernel_opts/lammps/lammps_executable so that it points to the actual lammps executable file being installed (see Installation on Linux)

  • If run serially (as a test), go into igm-config.json (or your config) file and set parallel/controller to "serial". Then execute IGM (from the command line or by submitting a serial job to HPC cluster) by typing igm-run config_file.json >> output.txt.

  • If run in parallel (this is for actual calculations), go into igm-config.json file and set parallel/controller to "ipyparallel" and then follow the steps detailed in HPC_scripts\steps_to_submit_IGM.txt file and in the documentation, which rely on scripts also in the HPC_scripts folder. Specifically: create a running ipcluster environment (bash create_ipcluster_environment.sh followed by qsub submit_engines.sh) and only then submit the actual IGM calculation (qsub submit_igm.sh), which executes the igm-run igm-config.json command, i.e.

    bash create_ipcluster_environment.sh
    qsub submit_engines.sh
    qsub submit_igm.sh

[Commands and sintax will need to be adapted if different scheduler than SGE is available]

  • A successful run should generate a igm.log and stepdb.splite files, a number of temporary files from the Assignment Steps and finally a sequence of intermediate .hss genome populations, each resulting from a different A/M iteration (see IGM_documentation.pdf). The file igm-model.hss will contain the optimized population at the end of the pipeline. hss files can be read conveniently using the alabtools package which was mentioned already.
  • A non-successful run (for whatever reason) should produce the err_igm file with details about the reason why the run crashed. If a run accidentally crashes (like, a node goes down), resubmitting the calculation using qsub submit_igm.sh (assuming the ipcluster environment is still up and running) will pick up exactly where the previous run left off. However, if a fresh new calculation has to start from the top, please make sure all the temporary files (including the database stepdb.splite) and the tmp folder are removed before submitting.

In order to get familiar with the configuration file and the code execution, we provide a config_file.json demo configuration file for running a 2Mb resolution WTC11 population using Hi-C data only: that is found in the demo folder.

A comprehensive configuration file igm-config_all.json for running a HFF population with all data types (Hi-C, lamina DamID, SPRITE and 3D HIPMap FISH) is also provided here as a reference/template. Clearly, each user must specify their own input files.

Software demo

Sample files at provided to simulate a Hi-C only population of WTC11 (spherical nucleus) at 2Mb resolution, to get familiar with the basics of the code

  • Enter the demo folder: data and scripts for a 2Mb IGM calculation with Hi-C restraints are provided;
    • .hcs file is a 2Mb resolution Hi-C contact map
    • config_file.json is the .json configuration file with all the parameters needed for the calculation. In particular, we generate 100 structures, which means the lowest contact probability we can target is 0.01 (1 %). For different setups, we recommend using different names for the configuration file to avoid confusion. Whatever name is chosen, it will have to be updated when running the scripts.
    • Run IGM as detailed in the previous section (igm-run config_file.json), either serially or in parallel; the serial calculation (on a normal computer) all the way down to 1% probability should be completed in a few hours.

Generate '.hcs' file from '.mcool' raw data

The alabtools package is required to easily generate a suitable '.hcs' HiC input file that can be fed to IGM. It is a three step procedure:

  • Read in .mcool file, extract the matrix of contact frequencies
  • Preprocessing, go from frequencies to curated contact probabilities
  • Save .hcs file, IGM-compatible format

Our own preprocessing pipeline is peculiar to the lab and detailed in the Supporting Information to the Nat Methods paper, and we will share that soon (still curating the scripts). However, any preprocessing steps that generate a balanced/filtered/appropriate matrix of contact probabilities at the desired genome model resolution (e.g., 200kpb, 1Mbp, etc) can be used, according to experience/need.

import alabtools, numpy, scipy
# Read in .mcool file at a give resolution
m = alabtools.Contactmatrix(ZZZ, resolution = XXX, genome = YYY)

A = m.matrix.toarray()

where ZZZ = name of the .mcool file (string) , XXX = model resolution in kb (integer), YYY = genome segmentation (string), currently alabtools allows for 'hg19', 'hg38' (human) and 'mm9' (mouse) genome types.

m is an alabtools matrix object. m.matrix is a sparse (SSS) matrix, which can be converted to regular NumPy array by the command m.matrix.toarray().

Now, you can perform any preprocessing on A = m.matrix.toarray() you see fit (filtering, matrix balancing, etc) to prepare the input (see preamble). After you are satisfied with your preprocessing, it is easy to store the updated/preprocessed (contact probability) NumPy array A by:

# convert NumPy array back to sparse sss_matrix
spm = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A)
m.matrix = alab.matrix.sss_matrix((spm.data, spm.indices, spm.indptr))
# save matrix to 'hcs' file

The 'preprocessed_hic.hcs' file has now the correct format to be fed to the IGM modeling pipeline.

Installation on MacOS (updated, Spt 2019)

  • this is tricky, we realized first hand that any MacOS update can suddenly compromise the functionality of the code. This installation was sometimes used to test different parts of the code in a serial environment, but never to generate populations.

  • Installation on MacOS poses additional challenges, especially on 11.14 Mojave (updated Sept 2019). Standard GNU gcc compiler may not be pre-installed; instead, the more efficient clang might be (this can be checked with gcc --version):

    $ which gcc
    $ gcc --version
    Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
    Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.29)
    Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.4.0
    Thread model: posix
    InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin

If you are getting this printout, then there is NO actual gcc installed. In order to circumvent that, the following procedure worked for me:

  • First install gcc using Homebrew: brew install gcc@9

    A gcc compiler will be installed, but we still need to make sure it supercedes the default clang, anytime the C compiler is called. Assume the 9 version was installed, then the default installation path reads /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.0.2/

  • Make sure the default gcc compiler points to that folder. This is the tricky part, since editing the PATH variable does not seem to always work. Renaming the executables seems to work but, again, no guarantee (see for instance https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28970935/osx-replace-gcc-version-4-2-1-with-4-9-installed-via-homebrew/28982564)

  • Then, alabtools can be installed in the regular way (and igm also)