
Predict how many cars are needed per hub ?

Primary LanguageHTML


training dataset: train.csv

testing dataset to generate results: test.csv

submission of results example: sample_solutions.csv

  1. we made a report: dataset_reporting.ipynb

  2. we tried a classification XGBoost: first_model_xgboostclassifier.ipynb

  3. started regression XGBoost (Main notebook): first_model_xgboostRegressor.ipynb

hackathon source files: Hackathon Amber.zip

We have heard about a feature generation tool: "tsfresh" https://tsfresh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/text/introduction.html

The model was trained using XGBoost by Itility with RMSE =~ 1,5 (if all "1" then 2,25)
customers have to reserve a car 2h upfront to have 100% guarantee of a car.
The cars would be driven by young people to refill the hubs with cars for customers, like a taxi service.