Pinned Repositories
Applied advanced Computer Vision techniques for real-time lane line detection
Designed an Artificial Neural Network (CNN) to learn road features and generate steering predictions
Integrated solution of a self-driving car system built with ROS – Using waypoint navigation and traffic light classification – Tested on simulator and test track at Palo Alto, California.
Implemented an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to track position and velocity of a moving object on basis of LIDAR and RADAR measurements
Documented functional safety of a Lane Assistance system according to ISO 26262
Created a 2 dimensional Particle Filter to localize a vehicle's position and yaw, given a map, initial GPS estimate plus noisy sensor and control data
Implemented an advanced process control method (MPC) to optimize actuation inputs for a self-driving car's simulation, involving application of Kinematic model and cost function tuning
Designed an algorithm to generate trajectories for a simulated self-driving car, autonomously maneuvering through dense highway traffic by making decisions based on a simple finite-state machine
Improved non-linear equation handling for object tracking using an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) for LIDAR and RADAR measurements
Trained a linear classifier (SVM) for real-time vehicle detection and tracking and combined results with previous project lane finding
albert-killer's Repositories
Designed an algorithm to generate trajectories for a simulated self-driving car, autonomously maneuvering through dense highway traffic by making decisions based on a simple finite-state machine
Documented functional safety of a Lane Assistance system according to ISO 26262
Created a 2 dimensional Particle Filter to localize a vehicle's position and yaw, given a map, initial GPS estimate plus noisy sensor and control data
Implemented an advanced process control method (MPC) to optimize actuation inputs for a self-driving car's simulation, involving application of Kinematic model and cost function tuning
Improved non-linear equation handling for object tracking using an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) for LIDAR and RADAR measurements
Trained a linear classifier (SVM) for real-time vehicle detection and tracking and combined results with previous project lane finding
Applied advanced Computer Vision techniques for real-time lane line detection
Designed an Artificial Neural Network (CNN) to learn road features and generate steering predictions
Integrated solution of a self-driving car system built with ROS – Using waypoint navigation and traffic light classification – Tested on simulator and test track at Palo Alto, California.
Implemented an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to track position and velocity of a moving object on basis of LIDAR and RADAR measurements
Set up a PID controller which computes the steering angle of a simulated vehicle in order to keep it on track, given CTE and velocity