

Clone the template with the command below. Be sure to replace <name-of-your-app-here> in the commands below with the name of your app!

git clone https://github.com/SEI-Remote/flask-react-auth-template <name-of-your-app-here>
cd <name-of-your-app-here>

Once you are in the project directory:

rm -rf .git

Re-initialize a git repository:

git init

Use the GitHub CLI to create a new project repository on GitHub:

gh repo create <name-of-your-app-here>

Getting Started

Create a new virtual environment for your project. The dependencies involved in this configuration of Flask (Flask API) are a bit different, so you’ll want a fresh start with this environment.

conda create -n your_app python=3.9

Next, activate your virtual environment with the command below.

conda activate your_app

Once the environment is active, run the following command in your terminal.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt 

In your terminal, run the following command to create a .env in the base directory of your project.

touch .env

Add an APP_SECRET variable to your .env file.


Next up in the .env, add a DATABASE_URL with the name of our project’s database.


Make sure your conda environment is active and hop into the psql shell. Please run the following commands one at a time.

create database your_database;
python3 -m flask db init
python3 -m flask db migrate
python3 -m flask db upgrade

Run the following command to start your application.

python3 app.py