
Flask tutorial an educational project to teach Flask

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Flask Tutorial

This is an educational project to teach Flask to people who already know Python and the basics of how the HTTP protocol works.

Python intro

See this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6f2gQ2RXLosWiXDHM7vOr1MPdfxPAm_t

HTTP intro

See this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWkJLTMbL9A

How setup this project?

Create your virtualenv (using python3):

$ python3 -m venv .venv

Install requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure your local .env file:

$ cp contrib/env-sample .env

Open .env with your favorite editor and configure your paramethers. Run your server with command below:

$ python manage.py runserver

More information? Follow explanatory videos below.

How to execute queries manually?

Inside on your virtualenv:

$ python manage.py shell

Import db and model:

from tvseries.ext import db
from tvseries.core.models import TVSerie

Bind your session with your application:

db.app = app

Quering example:


If operation is "create", "update" or "delete" dont forget to run commit operation to confirm operation:


1.0 - Flask and the most basic application of the world!

2.0 - Flask starting our TV series app!

3.0 - "Beautiful" banners, Jinja2 and starting SQLAlchemy world!

4.0 - ORM, creation and query data! (and some Windows problems :-o)

5.0 - Configuration, structure and Hen and Egg problem!

6.0 - Structure and Hen and Egg problem (solved now)!

7.0 - Deploy part 1!

8.0 - Deploy part 2!

9.0 - Automating deployment with Ansible!

10.0 - Automating deployment with Ansible (part 2)!

11.0 - Migrate databases (part 1)!

12.0 - Migrate databases (part 2)!

13.0 - Working with forms!