This is not production-ready. It probably contains bugs and the API will change.
A React Higher-Order Component wrapper for the Dragula drag-and-drop library.
hides away the imperative details of the Dragula API and presents a more declarative API, inspired by ReactDnD. ReactDnD is extremely powerful but much more low-level.
npm install --save react-dragula-hoc
and react-dom@15.x
are listed as peerDependencies
(i.e. they're expected to be in your project) but it will probably work with other versions.
import { dndElement } from 'react-dragula-hoc';
const Item = ({ text }) =>
<li className="item">
<span className="item__handle" />
<span>This item has some text: {text}</span>
const DraggableItem = dndElement({
// name of the prop used to identify the container
// defaults to 'id' if not specified:
idProp: 'itemId',
// an element with some type can only be dropped into
// containers with a matching acceptType prop
type: 'item'
import { dndContainer } from 'react-dragula-hoc';
const Items = ({ children }) => <ul className="list__items">{children}</ul>;
const DropItems = dndContainer({
// name of the prop used to identify the container
// defaults to 'id' if not specified:
idProp: 'listId',
// the type of the container (any string):
containerType: 'list',
// the type that the container accepts (any string)
// needs to match the 'type' of the DraggableItem
acceptType: 'item',
// optional, only start dragging if click is registered
// on element with the provided className:
handleClassName: 'item__handle',
// optional, defaults to 'vertical'
direction: 'vertical',
// optional, if container is fixed height or width, dragging outside the container
// will cause it to scroll its contents:
scrollContainerAtBoundaries: true,
// optional, set the speed of the scrolling (number from 0 to 1):
containerScrollRate: 0.2
const ListOfItems = ({ listId, items, onChange }) =>
// note: listId is specified here
// because it is the idProp used in dndContainer
<DropItems listId={listId} onChange={onChange} >
// render items as children inside the draggable container
// (you could also render non-draggable things here...)
// note: 'itemId' is specified here
// because it is the idProp used in dndElement
item => <Item item={item} itemId={} key={} />
// this fires whenever there is a drop even that results
// in a change of contents or order of contents within
// a container
const onChange = ({ source, target }) => {
const sourceList =; // the id of the source container
const targetList =; // the id of the target container (can be same as source)
const sourceListItems = source.elements; // Array of ids in the source container ["item1", "item2" ...]
const targetListItems = target.elements; // Array of ids in the target container
// For example, update two lists in state (where state is keyed by list ID):
[sourceList]: {
items: sourceListItems
[targetList]: {
items: targetListItems
- wrap the remaining Dragula options and events
- decide on good public API
- write unit tests
- create an example app