
Train an arm with two joints in a Unity environment to track a ball 🏀 with deep reinforcement learning 🤖 — Udacity Deep RL Nanodegree Project

Primary LanguagePython


Train an arm with two joints in the Unity Reacher environment to track a ball 🏀 with deep reinforcement learning 🤖

Languages: Python 3.6 and Pytorch
Environment: Unity ML-Agents Toolkit

The Environment

Before Training: Reward: 0.0 Before Training

After Training: Reward: +39.25 After Training


Actions are in the form of a continuous vector space of size 4, corresponding to torque applicable to the two joints.


The state of the environment has 33 dimensions, including position, velocity, angular velocity, and rotation of the arm.


The agent is given a reward of +0.1 for every time step when the agent's hand is in the goal location, accumulated throughout the episode. The environment is solved when the agent accumulates an reward of +30 over 100 consecutive episodes.

Installation (Windows 10 64-bit)

  1. Install Anaconda if you don't have it already.
  2. Open Anaconda Prompt/command line/terminal
  3. Create a new environment (named control-env): conda create --name control-env python=3.6
  4. Activate environment: activate control-env
  5. Navigate to desired directory to download project file: cd path/to/desired/directory
  6. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/albertlai431/robotic-arm-tracking
  7. Go to dependencies directory: cd robotic-arm-tracking/python
  8. Install dependencies (may take a while): pip install .
  9. Install pytorch 0.4.0 with conda: conda install pytorch=0.4.0 -c pytorch
  10. Create kernel with environment: python -m ipykernel install --user --name control-env --display-name "control-env"

How to Use

  1. Launch jupyter-notebook and navigate to cloned repository directory
  2. Open train.ipynb and run the code if you would like to train the agent 💪
  3. Open test.ipynb and run the code if you would like to observe a fully trained agent! 😃
  4. Important: Before running any code in either of the ipynb files, click Kernel on the top bar, Change kernel > control-env
  5. Remember to deactivate the environment in the Anaconda Prompt/command line/terminal after you are done: conda deactivate

Potential Issues

  • The folder Reacher_Windows_x86_64 may not always work; if you are getting a UnityTimeOutException, please go to this link and replace Reacher_Windows_x86_64 with the correct folder for your system for Version 1: One (1) Agent. You may also need to modify the env declaration.