
Magnolia blossom custom project for contest "Retos Digitales 2017" by Magnolia Community. rd-magnolia-community-2017

rd-magnolia-blossom : Rocking your business

Sorry, this project has been moved to a private repository. Be in touch with me if you need any help or support with this techniques.

You can see details for the demo at Open expo presentation

Full project with maven integration, profile for developing, Blossom module, Light module configuration and... Spring MVC with Rest support out of the box Prepared for any company that search for a real professional template in magnolia CMS.


  • Sets a servlet using Spring MVC configuration and changes behaviours for allowing controllers as rest points out of Magnolia Blossom
  • Uses Magnolia Blossom
  • It's set up in the same module for possible mutual redundant logic dependency
  • Exposes custom .json api
  • Spring services
  • Backoffice type component toolkit
  • Disposes rd-magnolia-light module: (So it integrates all it's module!) Check docu at github
  • Creates components for business layer: highcharts, fullcalendario and datatables
  • Will continue development for sure!



  • go to backoffice-magnolia-webapp/src/main/filters/local.properties and set your repository data configuration
  • deploy & install! Remember to choose your local profile to deploy
  • Run magnolia & install
  • set config:/server/defaultBaseUrl to your server settings (img) Screenshot
  • to be able to delete in author, customize avoid publish (img2) Screenshot
  • check uri ($yourserver)/api/spring/v1/dummy1/yuhu.json WORKS (That means that dispatcher spring rest servlet works)
  • change the default theme to backend-basic-theme (Needs travel-demo module installed!)(img3) Screenshot

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your project is already installed you can have problems while setting dispatcher servlet (the default install process does not create the servlet via magnolia module configuration)

Information on Magnolia CMS

This project is a full Magnolia 5.3 CE project suitable for any company, setting light development techniques, Spring and Blossom https://docs.magnolia-cms.com


MIT License (c) 2017 Alberto Soto Fernández


  • Alberto Soto Fernandez (github)