
React Redux Frontend Boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Redux Frontend Boilerplate

Base template for WR (Web-React) frontend projects at Dome Consulting.

This template is a starting point for building a frontend using React, Redux and Material-UI. It provides the project's folder structure, main dependencies and commonly used configurations.

To start a new project, copy this template and replace the example code.

Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/dome-consulting/wr-frontend-boilerplate.git
cd wr-frontend-boilerplate/
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:8000

Folder structure

  • conf Contains the configuration per environment
  • dist Directory where the resources (JS/CSS/HTML) are published
  • src Intended for source code and unit tests
    • actions Redux action creators and Redux Thunk functions
    • components React-redux components grouped by feature
    • i18n Provides internationalization
    • reducers Provides the root reducer
    • routes Provides the Redux router and routes definitions
    • store Provides the Redux store with Redux Thunk middleware
  • test Intended for integration tests and unit tests helpers


This boilerplate uses React-intl for internationalization. The translated messages are stored as JSON in src/i18n/messages.json. The supported languages must be defined in src/i18n/index.js and have the corresponding entries in the JSON file.

Available scripts

  • npm start Starts WebpackDevServer in watch mode with local configuration
  • npm test Runs all tests in src/**/*.spec.js
  • npm run build-local Builds the frontend for local development
  • npm run build-dev Builds the frontend for the development environment
  • npm run build-pre Builds the frontend for the pre-production environment
  • npm run build-production Builds the frontend for the production environment
  • npm run generate-doc Generates project documentation (ESDoc)

Supported features

This project template supports:

Main dependencies provided