
clone of original synchronicity

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SynchroniCity Data Models

License: MIT License: CC BY 4.0

This repository contains a set of OASC Shared Data Models for Smart City domains, adopted and developed in the SynchroniCity project. These data models are one of the "Interoperability Points" of the SynchroniCity framework and are a concrete extension of the OASC Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs). In particular the repository contains: JSON Schemas and documentation on harmonized datamodels for smart cities, developed jointly with OASC, and other domains. Such datasets are exposed through the SynchroniCity Context Management API based on FIWARE NGSI version 2 API (query). The Data Models have also been expressed using the ETSI standard NGSI-LD. There is a guide to guide SynchroniCity partners in the usage of NGSI-LD.

The baseline of the OASC SynchroniCity data models is the FIWARE Data Models catalogue developed by the FIWARE community. Also SynchroniCity project has analysed:

  • The IoT Big Data Harmonised Data Models developed by GSMA.
  • The schema.org Data Models developed by the Browser and search engine communities
  • Ontologies promoted by the European standards community, particularly SAREF.

Some modifications to the original data models have been performed in order to extend them to fit SynchroniCity cities requirements. Also, completelly new data models have been created to cover specific needs. The data model development is an going process, so please refer to this website for the last version of the SynchroniCity data models.

All the code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. However each original data source may have a different license. So before using harmonized data please check carefully each data license.

All the datamodels documented here are offered under a Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License.

List of SynchroniCity Data Models

The following table shows the list of SynchroniCity data models. For each one is also defined the approval status:

  • Approved: the data model has been officialy adopted by SynchroniCity and used by the Reference Zones (Cities) of the project
  • Under Discussion: the data model is under discussion: SynchroniCity partners and external stakeholders can suggest changes or extensions. The data model could be used but cannot be considered stable.
Vertical Data Model Description Original Source Approval Status
Environment AirQualityObserved It represents an observation of air quality conditions at a certain place and time GSMA Approved
Environment NoiseLevelObserved It represents an observation of those parameters that estimate noise pressure levels at a certain place and time FIWARE Approved
PointOfInterest PointOfInterest A harmonised geographic description of a Point of Interest GSMA updated by SynchroniCity Approved
PointOfInterest Beach A harmonised geographic description of a beach FIWARE Approved
PointOfInterest Museum A harmonised geographic description of a museum FIWARE Approved
PointOfInterest Store A harmonised geographic description of a store Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Transportation BikeHireDockingStation A bike hire docking station where subscribed users can hire and return a bike. FIWARE Approved
Transportation TrafficFlowObserved An observation of traffic flow conditions at a certain place and time. FIWARE Approved
Transportation EVChargingStation A public charging station supplying energy to electrical vehicles. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Transportation CrowdFlowObserved An observation of people movement at a certain place and time. Developed by Synchronicity Approved
Transportation Vehicle Real time tracking of the vehicles that are used for public transportation (buses, trains, etc.) FIWARE Approved
Transportation CarSharingStation A site dedicated to car sharing with either direct access from a road or with suitable and clearly marked access points. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Transportation RestrictedTrafficArea An area of a city in which the traffic generated by cars or any other kind of vehicles is subjected to limitation. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Transportation Road A harmonised geographic and contextual description of a road. Roads are made up of one or more RoadSegment entities. FIWARE Approved
Transportation RoadSegment A harmonised geographic and contextual description of a road segment. A collection of road segments are used to describe a Road. FIWARE Approved
Transportation RoadAccident It describes road accidents giving description and information about causes, casualties and aftermath. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Weather WeatherObserved An observation of weather conditions at a certain place and time. GSMA - Extended by FIWARE Approved
Weather WeatherForecast Harmonised description of a Weather Forecast. GSMA - Extended by FIWARE Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsAgency See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#agencytxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsStop See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#agencytxtSee https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#stopstxt It represents a GTFS stop which location_type shall be equal to 0. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsStation See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#stopstxt It is a GTFS stop which location_type is equal to 1. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsAccessPoint See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#stopstxt It is a GTFS stop which location_type is equal to 2. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsRoute See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#routestxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsTrip See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#tripstxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsShape See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#shapestxt It represents a GTFS shape. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsStopTime See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#stop_timestxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsService It represents a transportation service which is available for one or more routes at certain dates. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsCalendarRule See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#calendartxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsCalendarDateRule See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#calendar_datestxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsFrequency See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#frequenciestxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsTransferRule See https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#transferstxt Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility ArrivalEstimation It captures the estimated arrival time of a public transport vehicle reaching a particular stop, whilst the vehicle is servicing a particular route. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility GtfsTransitFeedFile Provides the Location (URL) of the ZIP file containing a valid GTFS transit feed. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility PublicTransportRoute Provides generic model for public transport route. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Urban Mobility PublicTransportStop Provides generic model for public transport stop. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Events Event Events happening in the city schema.org Under discussion
Parking ParkingSpot An individual, usually monitored, parking spot/parking lot FIWARE Approved
Parking OffStreetParking An offstreet parking site with explicit entries and exits FIWARE Approved
Parking OnStreetParking An on street, free entry (but might be metered) parking zone which contains at least one or more adjacent parking spots FIWARE Approved
Parking ParkingGroup A group of parking spots. FIWARE Approved
Parks & Gardens Garden A distinguishable planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. FIWARE Approved
Parks & Gardens GreenspaceRecord Harmonised description of the conditions recorded on a particular area or point inside a greenspace (flower bed, garden, etc.) FIWARE Approved
Waste Management WasteContainer Waste Containers FIWARE Approved
Waste Management WasteContainerModel Static properties of a waste container (big belly) FIWARE Approved
Waste Measurement WasteMeasurement A waste measurement Developed by SynchroniCity Under discussion
Device Device An apparatus (hardware + software + firmware) intended to accomplish a particular task (sensing the environment, actuating, etc.). FIWARE Approved
Device DeviceModel This entity captures the static properties of a Device. FIWARE Approved
QueueMonitor QueueMonitor This data model describes a single queue line for a single service provided by an office. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Energy ThreePhaseMultiCircuitAcMeasurement Represents a measurement from an electrical sub-metering system that monitors three-phase alternating current across multiple circuits. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Energy GreenEnergyGenerator Generic model for Green Energy Generator. A device which can generate energy using Solar or Eolic green energy. Developed by SynchroniCity Approved
Energy GreenEnergyMeasurement Generic model for a snapshot measure of energy generated using one or more green energy sources. Thus, an entity of type GreenEnergyMeasurement cannot exist without an accompanying Entity of Type GreenEnergyGenerator Developed by SynchroniCity Approved

JSON Schemas

We intend to provide a JSON Schema for every harmonized data model. In the future all the documentation could be generated from a JSON Schema, as it is part of our roadmap. The different JSON Schemas usually depend on common JSON Schema definitions found at the root directory of this repository.

There are different online JSON Schema Validators, for instance: http://jsonschemalint.com/. For the development of these schemas the AJV JSON Schema Validator is being used. For using it just install it through npm:

    npm install ajv
    npm install ajv-cli

A validate.sh script is provided for convenience.

Note: JSON Schemas only capture the NGSI simplified representation, this means that to test the JSON schema examples with a FIWARE NGSI version 2 API implementation, you need to use the keyValues mode (options=keyValues).

Data models guidelines

SynchroniCity provides a set of guidelines for defining new data models. Further information can be found in SynchroniCity Deliverable D2.2

Entity ID definition guidelines

Despite the Entity ID within any existing Context Entity is originally free text, NGSI API provides several features based on this parameter to assist NGSI operations. The following recommendations, which are not mandatory to be SynchroniCity compliant, represents a set of good practices to define entity IDs that improves the context queries, subscritions and discovery actions.

These guidelines are based on the incoming NGSI-LD standard and are used by several SynchoniCity Reference Zones' instances. According to them, the Entity ID would be a text string composed by several fields separated by colons.

  • Three first fields represent the NGSI-LD standard and identifies the entity as a NGSI-LD compliant entity:

  • urn is always set to "urn" and identies the entity ID as an urn.

  • ngsi-ld represents an ngsi-ld entity when set to "ngsi-ld".

  • entity-Type matches the type attribute of the entity.

  • Next optional fields are proposed by SynchroniCity and are arranged to organise the entities according their deployment and functionaly:

    • site can represent a RZ, City or area that includes several different IoT deployments, services or apps (e.g., Porto, Milano, Santander, Aarhus, Andorra ... ).
    • service represents a smart city service/application domain, for example parking, waste management, environmental etc.
    • group can be used for grouping assets under the same service and/or provider (so it can be used to identify different IoT providers). It is responsibility of OS sites to maintain proper group keys.
    • entityName The Entity​ /​ Device identifier which should be unique at the corresponding site, service and group.

Entities’ ID definition

urn ngsi-ld entity-Type site service group entityName
urn ngsi-ld OnStreetParking santander parking onStreet StaLuciaEast
urn ngsi-ld ParkingSpot santander parking parkingSpot 3601
urn ngsi-ld TrafficFlowObserved santander traffic TrafficFlowObserved 1001

Entity IDs examples




How to contribute

Contributions should come in the form of pull requests.

New data models should be added under a folder structured as follows:

The name of the folder should match the entity type used in the JSON Schema (e.g. NewModel). For data models including more entities, a hierarchical folder should be used. The father folder can include common JSON schemas shared among the entities. e.g.:

  • NewModel/
    • doc/
      • spec.md
    • README.md
    • newmodel-schema.json: the common schema for the different entities.
    • NewModelEntityOne/
      • doc/
        • spec.md
      • README.md
      • schema.json
      • example.json
      • example-normalized.json
      • example-normalized-ld.jsonld
    • NewModelEntityTwo/
      • doc/
        • spec.md
      • README.md
      • schema.json
      • example.json
      • example-normalized.json
      • example-normalized-ld.jsonld


SynchroniCity developed a tool to validate the data models. Code and documentation can be found here: https://gitlab.com/synchronicity-iot/rz-instance-validator

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