
Sample app using Kubernetes Ingress controller and Flask

Primary LanguageHTML

Sample Flask app using Kubernetes Ingress controller


Running locally

Just install the requirements and run the app

cd webapp/
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run
curl localhost:5000

Running on Docker

You can use the already built docker image albertoal/flask_webapp or build your own then run it.

From the root dir:

docker build -t myflask_app .
docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 myflask_app
curl localhost:5000

Running on Minikube

For Minikube I created an Ingress controller in order to get external access to the service. This example requires the Minikube ingress addon enabled If you are deploying the manifest to a different Kubernetes cluster, check out the different Ingress Controllers available.

minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml
minikube ip


I wanted to test Envoy proxy sidecar with this app. This is available on envoy/envoy.yaml. Note that this doesn't implement an Envoy proxy ingress gateway, just the proxy sidecar.