
Extends the Radiant user model to support site members

Primary LanguageRuby

= Members

Enhances the Radiant users model for use as a site-wide members
feature.  It makes the following changes:

The User model now has a:

- photo  (file_column)
- url

A new `Profile` tab is added.  This becomes the default tab on login.
A new Snippet named `profile_sidebar` is created which can be used to
modify the profile page.

All tabs except for Profile now default to require :developer or
:admin role access.  This includes the Page and Snippets tabs.

A new registration form will be created at:


To install:

- rake db:migrate:extensions
- merge the contents of members/public/images into your public/images directory

The extension includes a copy of the file_column plugin.

There's *lots* still to be done, including:

- Using email confirmation for registration
- Allowing for user registration approval
- Linking to the registration page on the login page
- RSpec tests

For questions and suggestions contact Aaron Farr at 
  farra [at] apache [dot] org