
Minimal boilerplate to get started with ApeWorx.

Primary LanguagePython

ApeWorx Boilerplate

Simple boilerplate for smart contract development with ApeWorx.


Install Dependencies

  • python3 - version 3.7 or greater
  • Node.js, NPM, and Hardhat. See Hardhat's installation documentation for steps.

Note: Make sure hardhat is installed locally in the working directory. Run npx hardhat at the end of the installation and select Create an empty hardhat.config.js.

Setup virtual env:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Setup plugins:

ape plugins list -a
ape plugins install solidity vyper hardhat infura alchemy

Setup environment variables (where applicable):



Visit infura or alchemy to get your free key.

Console Usage

To interact with a deployed contract in a local environment, start by opening the console:

ape console --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat

This example used mainnet-fork.


All tests must be stored under tests/. Each test must start with test_ and end with the .py extension.

ape test

To run a particular test:

ape test test_my_contract

Additionally, you can use -I to open interactive mode and -s to print logs.

ape test test_my_contract -I -s


To run a file in scripts/ use:

ape run 1_deploy

Additional info

The ApeWorx folder structure is generally:

project              # The root project directory
├── contracts/       # Project source files, such as '.sol' or '.vy' files
├── tests/           # Project tests, ran using the 'ape test' command
├── scripts/         # Project scripts, such as deploy scripts, ran using the 'ape run <name>' command
└── ape-config.yaml  # The ape project configuration file