

This code is a simple JS video player that demonstrates how you can upload simple web https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWBygGCzRJ3prhhm9BGP49qPFLzfdVtbSzfxYWForhDNd)apps to IPFS.



First, install IPFS using this page.

Then, once you've initalized IPFS and started the daemon see this page on how to add this static video player web app to IPFS


DIAC (Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada) is hosting a design challenge (https://diacc.ca/didc/) and need a blockchain solution for registering land titles in BC.

So far I have succesfully uploaded the image of a land title to IPFS (viewable here: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWBygGCzRJ3prhhm9BGP49qPFLzfdVtbSzfxYWForhDNd)

Once the daemon is running you can add data of any kind (websites, PDFs, Images, Videos) by using the commandline:

$ ls mysite img index.html $ ipfs add mysite -r added QmcMN2wqoun88SVF5own7D5LUpnHwDA6ALZnVdFXhnYhAs mysite/img/landtitle.jpg added QmS8tC5NJqajBB5qFhcA1auav14iHMnoMZJWfmr4k3EY6w mysite/img added QmYh6HbZhHABQXrkQZ4aRRSoSa6bb9vaKoHeumWex6HRsT mysite/index.html added QmYeAiiK1UfB8MGLRefok1N7vBTyX8hGPuMXZ4Xq1DPyt7 mysite/

As a result you obtain the last hash and this can be stored in other blockchains (eg. Ethereum) and have a smart contract prove the existence of this document at any point in time. Next, I will create a simple membership website that maps website accounts to Ethereum addresses (ERC20 token compatible) and any land titles under each account.