ERC-20 token crowdsale

This is an simple implementation of the ERC-20 token crowdsale using the truffle framework

Checkout this web app for more details and to check the token balance

To participate in this ICO crowdsale

  • Use only the Ropsten testnet
  • Send ethers to this contract address 0xcc4de437aedb95381f6b33fc4aaafd50f1164dba (
  • Set the gas limit as 150000 sale

The token sale will be open for 1 Year and you will receive 10 ART tokens for 1 ether

You can add the ART token to your wallet use the bellow settings

  • Token address - 0x7fa2c3910277b78654ef751950311e91a3276b36 (
  • Token Symbol - ART
  • Decimals of precision - 18


To deploy the contracts

truffle compile && truffle migrate --network ropsten

To build webpack

webpack ./index.js ./bundle.js