
Symfony2 bundle to perform site status checks

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build status Scrutinizer Code Quality

Symfony2 bundle to perform site status, relying on LiipMonitorBundle. It's specifically made for ping services, like the one from New Relic.


Require it in composer:

composer require albertofem/sitestatuschecker-bundle dev-master

Install it:

composer update albertofem/sitestatuschecker-bundle

Add it to your bundles:

$bundles = array(
    new \Liip\MonitorBundle\LiipMonitorBundle(),
    new \AFM\Bundle\SiteStatusCheckerBundle\SiteStatusCheckerBundle()

If you want to run the tests:



Configure LiipMonitorBundle

Please referer to the bundle documentation: https://github.com/liip/LiipMonitorBundle

Configure it:

    token: my_secure_token

Register the controller in your routes:

    resource: "@SiteStatusCheckerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix: /status

This will create a route under your prefix: /status/check/{token} which will return appropiate response codes:

  • 403: invalid token. Body content: KO
  • 200: all checks performed correctly. Body content: OK
  • 500: some checks are failling. Body content: KO