Actixweb Microservices

The idea is to create a Rust project, to experiment the actixweb library. The cargo workspace contains: micro, websocket and the common lib


Rust actixweb project with working:

  • REST GET example
  • SSE GET event stream
  • CORS permissive wrap
  • Error Handler with custom error body
  • Route Panic management
  • Log configured via env variable
  • Jwt token login with fixed credential (auth_routes.http)
  • Admin route protected with jwt auth
  • Https connection


Rust actixweb websocket actors implementation with working:

  • JSON payload communication
  • Log configured via env variable

Common Lib

  • Common behavior
  • Redis provider async
  • Redis provider sync


Three stage build using cargo chef to obtain a lightweight image starting from scratch and to reduce build time if dependecies does not change.

Get started


cargo build
# or via docker
docker compose build [micro-service | websocket-service]


cargo run --bin micro
cargo run --bin websocket
# or via docker
docker compose up -d [micro-service | websocket-service | redis]

Debug via VSCODE

Requires /target/debug folder to be created and sync

$ cargo build
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s

then launch the configuration inside .vscode/launch.json. Output in debug console should be something similar to

Launching: ~/dev/git/rust/actixweb-microservices/target/debug/micro
Launched process 31395



To test the API routes inside the "micro" project see the folder micro/test/http/rate_routes.http.

# GET request
curl --request GET --url http://localhost:3000/rate --header 'accept: application/json'


To test SSE stream use the browser http://localhost:3000/sse, your favourite tool or directly open a new EventSource(http://localhost:3000/sse)


  • To test websocket API open a connection via new WebSocket(http://localhost:3001).
  • To start the stream send the json payload { event: "cmd", data: { type: "start" }}
  • To stop the stream send the json payload { event: "cmd", data: { type: "stop" }}
