Dissolved particles shaders.
Author: Alberto Mellado Cruz Date: 01/09/2018
This is a shader that enables dissolving particles with the alpha from the particle system editor. It also uses the Unity's custom particle data to add an offset to it.
Set Up: Create a particle system that emits sphere meshes and a Unlit Shader
Particle Texture: Add a particle texture if you want.
Rendering: Add a Soft Additive blend, disable the Zwrite and Cull the back.
Get Particle Color: Add to appdata and v2f "float4 color: COLOR"; In vetex: o.color = v.color; In fragment: "col*= i.color;" or "col.rgb*= i.color.rgb" (One is also with alpha the other without)
Noise Add a noise texture and use discard when the color.a <= noise.r
Offset (Optional) Using particles custom data pass a random value to the noise uvs.