Minimal debian jessie vagrant box (amd64) for virtualbox provider built with veewee.
Veewee is a tool for easily (and repeatedly) building custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, and virtual machine images. Veewee it's available at
Follow the instructions and install veewee
Clone this repository inside definitions directory and build your own vagrant box with:
$ bundle exec veewee vbox build 'debian-jessie-amd64'
$ bundle exec veewee vbox export 'debian-jessie-amd64'
Customizations can be made proviously modifying properly preseed.cfg file
Note: This box doesn't include neither chef nor puppet agents.
Do you want just to use a debian jessie vagrant box? This box is available for download at You can add it locally with:
$ vagrant box add --name albertomolina/debian-jessie-amd64