
npiperelay allows you to access Windows named pipes from WSL

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Note: This is a fork of jstarks/npiperelay. The branch named master is kept "frozen" in sync with upstream, while the branch named fork is this project's default branch. The fork branch includes additional improvements on top of upstream, though the changes are conservative. The primary concern is just to keep the code updated and secure, considering the latest commit in upstream is back in mid 2020, relased as version 0.1.0. Releases here in my project are created from the fork branch, starting at version number 1.0.0. See releases for details.

npiperelay is a tool that allows you to access a Windows named pipe in a way that is more compatible with a variety of command-line tools. With it, you can use Windows named pipes from the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Essentially it exposes stdin and stdout to processes in WSL, and relays information to a named pipe used by processes running in Windows, typically with help of the socat tool in the WSL distro.

For example, you can:

  • Connect a network interface in WSL directly to the host's network device.
    • This may work around issues with the built-in Hyper-V-based networking in combination with VPN and/or antivirus/firewall software. See my other project wslkit for details.
  • Connect to Docker for Windows from the Linux Docker client in WSL.
  • Connect to MySQL Server running as a Windows service.
  • Connect interactively to a Hyper-V Linux VM's serial console.
  • Use gdb to connect to debug the kernel of a Hyper-V Linux VM.
  • Connect to Windows SSH agent via named pipe.

See usage examples below for more details.


npiperelay is a Go program and comes as a single executable file; npiperelay.exe. The releases include pre-built executable, ready to use. To install, download zip archive from latest release, and simply extract it into a location of your choosing.

In most cases, as with the usage examples below, you need to do some additional steps in WSL:

Adding to PATH

In most cases you need to make sure that the npiperelay executable is available in the WSL path. E.g. if you have put it in /mnt/c/Users/<username>/go/bin, this can be achieved either by adding C:\Users\<username>\go\bin to the PATH environment variable in Windows and restarting WSL, or by just adding the path directly in WSL via the command line or in our .bash_profile or .bashrc. Alternatively, you can just symlink it into something that's already in your path:

$ sudo ln -s /mnt/c/Users/<username>/go/bin/npiperelay.exe /usr/local/bin/npiperelay.exe

You may choose to just put the real binary within the WSL filesystem (e.g. in /usr/local/bin), which tying the distro installation to a fixed location on host. The original npiperelay readme warns that this is not possible, but that was most probably written before interop functionality was added to WSL, because as long as the interop setting is not disabled it does really work!

Installing socat

For all of the usage examples below, you will need the excellent socat tool. Your WSL distribution should have it available; install it by running something along the lines of:

$ sudo apt install socat


You can also build from source. With Go, this is not too difficult:

  1. Install Go
  2. Download and build

Then, consider the same additional steps described for installing releases above:

Installing Go

To build the binary, you will need a version of Go.

You can use a Windows build of Go or you can use a Linux build and cross-compile the Windows binary from within WSL. To build in WSL you can probably install Go from your distro's package manager.

Downloading and building

With Go there are different alternative methods for building a project. In newer versions of Go (version 1.16 and newer) you should preferrable use one of the following two.

The first and most preferred alternative is a pure local build, where the source will be in subfolder npiperelay of current working directory, and resulting executable will be in root of that directory.

git clone https://github.com/albertony/npiperelay.git
cd npiperelay
go build

An optional adjustment to this is to add the go build argument -o followed by a custom path where to put the resulting executable, e.g. to put it directly into a location already available in PATH.

go build -o C:\bin\npiperelay.exe

The other alternative is a the Go standard method for installing third party executables, where both the source and the resulting executable are put in standard GOPATH. The result will be at path %GOPATH%\bin\npiperelay.exe.

go install github.com/albertony/npiperelay@latest

As mentioned you can also build from within WSL, using cross-compilation to Windows executable. Set variable GOOS=windows and use similar commands as above, e.g.

git clone https://github.com/albertony/npiperelay.git
cd npiperelay
GOOS=windows go build -o /mnt/c/bin/npiperelay.exe


The examples below assume you have copied the contents of the scripts directory into your PATH somewhere. These scripts are just examples and can be modified to suit your needs.

Connecting to Docker from WSL

This assumes you already have the Docker daemon running in Windows, e.g. because you have installed Docker for Windows. You may already have the ability to connect to this daemon from WSL via TCP, but this has security problems because any user on your machine will be able to connect. With these steps, you'll be able to limit access to privileged users.

Basic steps:

  1. Start the Docker relay.
  2. Use the docker CLI as usual.

Starting the Docker relay

For this to work, you will need to be running in an elevated WSL session, or you will need to configure Docker to allow your Windows user access without elevating.

You also need to be running as root within WSL, or launch the command under sudo. This is necessary because the relay will create a file /var/run/docker.sock.

$ sudo docker-relay &

Using the docker CLI with the relay

At this point, ordinary docker commands should run fine as root. Try

$ sudo docker info

If this succeeds, then you are connected. Now try some other Docker commands:

$ sudo docker run -it --rm microsoft/nanoserver cmd /c "Back in Windows again..."

Running without root

The docker-relay script configured the Docker pipe to allow access by the docker group. To run as an ordinary user, add your WSL user to the docker group. In Ubuntu:

$ sudo adduser <my_user> docker

Then open a new WSL window to reset your group membership.

Connect to MySQL Server running as a Windows service

If you run MySQL Server as a Windows service, you can configure it to communicate through TCP, named pipes or shared memory. If you use named pipes, connecting to MySQL from WSL is very similar to connecting to Docker.

The mysqld-relay script is designed to be run in a sudo shell. Before creating the relay, it will try to configure your environment (if it has not been configured yet) by:

  • creating /var/run/mysqld/,
  • creating a mysql group, and
  • adding your user account to the mysql group.

You can of course pull out just the npiperelay command if you don't need any of the above checks.

Note that if you need to enter a password for sudo, the following command will fail because of the lack of password input:

$ sudo mysqld-relay &

In that case, you can run it like this:

user@machine:~$ sudo -s
[sudo] password for user:
root@machine:~# mysqld-relay &
root@machine:~# exit
user@machine:~$ _

Now you can use the Linux mysql command line client or any other Linux process that expects to talk to MySQL Server through /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock.

Connecting to a Hyper-V Linux VM's serial console

If you have a Linux VM configured in Hyper-V, you may wish to use its serial port as a serial console. With npiperelay, this can be done fairly easily from the command line.

Basic steps:

  1. Enable the serial port for your Linux VM.
  2. Configure your VM to run the console on the serial port.
  3. Run socat to relay between your terminal and npiperelay.

Enabling the serial port

This is easiest to do from the command line, via the Hyper-V PowerShell cmdlets. You'll need to add your user to the Hyper-V Administrators group or run the command line elevated for this to work.

If you have a VM named foo and you want to enable the console on COM1 (/dev/ttyS0), with a named pipe name of foo_debug_pipe:

$ powershell.exe Set-VMComPort foo 1 '\\.\pipe\foo_debug_pipe'

Configuring your VM to run the console on the serial port

Refer to your VM Linux distribution's instructions for enabling the serial console:

Connecting to the serial port

For this step, WSL must be running elevated or your Windows user must be in the Hyper-V Administrators group.

Directly via socat

The easiest approach is to use socat to connect directly. The vmserial-connect script does this and even looks up the pipe name from the VM name and COM port for you:

$ vmserial-connect foo 1
Ubuntu 17.04 gigastarks-vm ttyS0

gigastarks-vm login:

Press Ctrl-O to exit the connection and return to your shell.

Via screen

If you prefer to use a separate tool to connect to the device such as screen, then you must run a separate socat process to relay between the named pipe and a PTY. The serial-relay script does this for you with the right parameters; simply run:

$ serial-relay //./pipe/foo_debug_pipe $HOME/foo-pty & # Starts the relay
$ screen $HOME/foo-pty                                 # Attaches to the serial terminal

See the screen documentation (man screen) for more details.

Debugging the kernel of a Hyper-V Linux VM

Follow the same steps to enable the COM port for your VM, then run the serial relay as though you were going to run screen to connect to the serial console.

Next, run gdb and connect to the serial port:

gdb ./vmlinux
target remote /home/<username>/foo-pty

Connect to Windows SSH agent

Windows provides OpenSSH including ssh-agent. If you have configured the agent to auto start and added your keys, WSL2 can connect to it using a named pipe via SSH_AUTH_SOCK.

Add the following to a .bashrc or .zshrc configuration to setup WSL ssh-agent to use Windows agent.

export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=${HOME}/.ssh/agent.sock
ss -a | grep -q $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
if [ $? -ne 0   ]; then
    rm -f ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}
    ( setsid socat UNIX-LISTEN:${SSH_AUTH_SOCK},fork EXEC:"npiperelay.exe -ei -s //./pipe/openssh-ssh-agent",nofork & ) >/dev/null 2>&1

Custom usage

Take a look at the scripts for sample usage, or run npiperelay.exe without any parameters for parameter documentation.