DNS to DNS-over-TLS

Microservice that proxy a TCP DNS request to a DNS-over-TLS server

A TCP Server was created on port 53, when a new connection is created, this will be just proxy the data from the new connection to a new TLS socket that connects to CloudFlare DNS-over-TLS server, then the data is written to the TLS socket and finally the result is written back to the initial TCP connection.

Repository structure

├── Dockerfile
├── Jenkinsfile
├── README.md
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── src
    ├── index.js
    ├── proxy.js
    ├── tcpServer.js
    └── udpServer.js <WIP>

I decide to just forward the data to the remote destination, so as the client request the DNS the proxy will request it to the Remote TLS Server.

I choose NodeJS because it is the language in which I feel more comfortable with.


  • Imagine this proxy being deployed in an infrastructure. What would be the security concerns you would raise?

    • I would implement policies to the deployment so it can only be accessible by some specific microservices.
  • How would you integrate that solution in a distributed, microservices-oriented and containerized architecture?

    • Depends on the infrastructure, but imagine it is a Kubernetes Cluster, I would define a deployment and service for this new microservice.
  • What other improvements do you think would be interesting to add to the project?

    • ???