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I'm a passionate software engineer, with an entrepreneurial spirit, focused on building high-performance JavaScript applications, and with proficient leadership capabilities and a focus on teamwork. I am interested in newer technologies and frameworks such as ReactJS, NextJS, EmberJS, NodeJS, and ES6. I love helping people learn and build next generation web applications with ReactJS and/or EmberJS - I have developed solutions to help organizations detect and prevent problems that otherwise would have cost significant time and money. I work hard at staying up to date on the latest trends and technologies to ensure each project utilizes the best tools and methodologies available.
Specialties: ReatJS, NextJS, Enzyme, React Testing Library,, EmberJS, JavaScript, ES6, NodeJS, AngularJS v1, Ruby/Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Heroku, AWS / DigitalOcean / Serverless, Agile / TDD / Scrum