
Collect runtime data from Fusion apps for debugging and aggregating quality metrics

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Visualize the tree of plugins in your app

Table of contents

Try it out

(this assumes you've used a fusion scaffolder such as create-fusion-app)

1. Register plugin


import introspect from 'fusion-plugin-introspect';

export default () => {

2. Run your app

yarn dev

3. Inspect with the cli

Some commands to try:

# list tokens in order of registration
yarn fusion-run-introspect tokens

# display tree of token's dependents and dependencies
yarn fusion-run-introspect why RenderToken

# discover more commands
yarn fusion-run-introspect -h

Full usage example

import App from 'fusion-core';
import introspect from 'fusion-plugin-introspect';

const store = {
  storeSync(data) {
    // Log to stdout and collect data via log-entries, papertrail or similar
  async store(data, {myMetricsService}) {
    // This is called once the app finishes collecting data
    // We can obtain an arbitrary data storage service (`myMetricsService`) from the DI container
    myMetricsService.emit('node-version', data.meta.nodeVersion);

export default () => {
  const app = new App('<h1>Hello world</h1>', v => v);
    introspect(app, {
      deps: {myMetricsService: SomeServiceToken},
      store: !__DEV__ ? store : undefined,

Data schema

The data that is passed to store and storeSync follows this schema:

  version: string,
  server: [{
    timestamp: number,
    dependencies: [{name: string, stack: string, dependencies: [string]}],
    enhanced: [{name: string}],
  browser: [{
    timestamp: number,
    dependencies: [{name: string, stack: string, dependencies: [string]}],
    enhanced: [{name: string}],
  runtime: {
    timestamp: number,
    pid: number,
    nodeVersion: string,
    npmVersion: string,
    yarnVersion: string,
    lockFileType: string,
    dependencies: {[string]: string},
    devDependencies: {[string]: string},
    varNames: [string],
    vars: {[string]: string},
  • version - Data schema version

  • server.timestamp - When server-side DI graph data was collected. Note that this may differ from other timestamps

  • server.dependencies - A list of tokens and their respective creation stack traces and dependencies

  • server.enhanced - A list of token names that have been enhanced

  • browser.timestamp - When client-side DI graph data was collected. Note that this may differ from other timestamps

  • browser.dependencies - A list of tokens and their respective creation stack traces and dependencies

  • browser.enhanced - A list of token names that have been enhanced

  • runtime.timestamp - When DI graph data was collected. Note that this may differ from other timestamps

  • runtime.pid - The process ID

  • runtime.nodeVersion - Node version

  • runtime.npmVersion - NPM version

  • runtime.yarnVersion - Yarn version

  • runtime.lockFileType - Either npm, yarn or none

  • runtime.lockFile - The contents of the lock file

  • dependencies - The dependencies field in package.json

  • devDependencies - The devDependencies field in package.json

  • varNames - A list of all defined env var names (but not their values)

  • vars - A map of env vars, filtered by the env option

Flow types

export type IntrospectionSchema = {
  version: string,
  server: Array<Dependencies>,
  browser: Array<Dependencies>,
  runtime: Metadata,
export type Dependencies = {
  timestamp: number,
  dependencies: Array<Dependency>,
  enhanced: Array<{name: string}>,
export type Dependency = {
  name: string,
  stack: string,
  dependencies: Array<string>,
export type Metadata = {
  timestamp: number,
  pid: number,
  nodeVersion: string,
  npmVersion: string,
  yarnVersion: string,
  lockFileType: string,
  dependencies: {[string]: string},
  devDependencies: {[string]: string},
  varNames: Array<string>,
  vars: {[string]: string},


Registration API

import introspect from 'fusion-plugin-introspect';

app.register(introspect(app, {store, env}));
  • introspect: (app, {store, env}) => FusionPlugin<void, void> - creates a Fusion plugin
    • app: FusionApp - a Fusion app instance. Usually obtained from fusion-react or fusion-apollo.
    • store: {store, storeSync} - a storage mechanism. Defaults to fsStore
      • store: (data, deps) => Promise<void> - called when all runtime data is collected successfully
        • data: Object - An object that conforms to the introspection data schema
        • deps: Object - A map of dependencies. You can inject a service to consume the data.
      • storeSync: data => void - called at startup time just in case the app crashes before data collection completes. Must not contain asynchronous code. See also the "Using 'uncaughtException' correctly" section in the Node docs. Note that storeSync does not receive a deps argument because the DI graph may not be resolvable.
    • env: ?Array<string> - A list of env var names to be collected. Do not collect env vars that contain secrets or other sensitive data. Defaults to [].


import {fsStore} from 'fusion-plugin-introspect';
  • fsStore: {store, storeSync} - A storage mechanism that saves data to .fusion/fusion-stats.json
    • store: data => Promise<void> - called when all runtime data is collected successfully. Saves data to a file
    • storeSync: (data) => void - called at startup time just in case the app crashes before data collection completes. Saves data to a file synchronously


You can introspect the Fusion dependency injection (DI) graph through the command line while an app is running.

yarn fusion-run-introspect

    $ fusion-run-introspect <command> [options]

  Available Commands
    tokens        List of all DI tokens in order of resolution
    why           How a DI token is used
    where         Where a DI token is registered
    middleware    Which tokens are registered w/ middleware and their order

  For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag
    $ fusion-run-introspect tokens --help
    $ fusion-run-introspect why --help

    -v, --version    Displays current version
    -h, --help       Displays this message
fusion-run-introspect tokens
yarn fusion-run-introspect tokens

Lists all Fusion DI tokens and the file/line where they are defined

fusion-run-introspect why
yarn fusion-run-introspect why <token>

Provides various pieces of information about a token:

  • whether it is a plugin
    • whether the plugin provides a service
    • whether the plugin contains a middleware
    • where the plugin is created
  • where the token is created
  • where the token is registered
  • what tokens/plugins are used by this plugin
  • what tokens/plugins depend on this plugin
fusion-run-introspect where
yarn fusion-run-introspect where <token>

Displays where the token is registered

fusion-run-introspect middleware
yarn fusion-run-introspect tokens

Lists all Fusion middleware in the order that they run