Simple tool which help you to implement activity and fragment transition for pre-Lollipop devices.
- adaneam
- autofocusokcoin
- ayaseruriBaidu
- bitsevnCubeStack Inc.
- BMomani
- chweezMteja technologies
- dejiapps
- fabioab
- FallasB
- finbergMinsk
- golontico
- helloyingyinghangzhou, zhejiang
- IlyaEreminPopuga Inc
- jossiwolf@Google
- justmaaarcoLondon
- k0shk0shPE @Fastic
- keepfitFinTech
- kidusmakonnenAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
- LondonXEarth
- matzuk@MarathonLabs
- narayanacharya6New York
- nick0layCoople PL
- OrhanTozan@hello-247
- pavel163Dubai
- pawelcala
- pishguyIran - Tehran
- prashant31191Telegram : @prshnt3
- ratmTextMe, Inc
- reubenjohnNorth Carolina State University
- SekhmetPoland
- suceseAlibaba
- venkat20390Chennai , India
- vfoixcable
- xlightchinasofti
- ze-hao
- zzx2016