
Small utility script to generate sql insertion requests from a geojson file/url

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This tiny script allows to transform geojson data to sql insert queries compatible with Postgis.

Only multipolygon are managed currently.


To use correct node version, please use node version manager tool (nvm) and run nvm use.

npm install


It can fetch geojson data from url or from file.

Here is an example from a test file.

node index.js -g ./test/minimal.json

Will give the following output:

INSERT INTO commune (codeinsee, libelle, polygon, departement_id, id) VALUES ('69381', 'LYON 1', st_transform('SRID=4171;MULTIPOLYGON(((4.830494 45.764543999057146,4.830494 45.764543999057146)))', 2154), 69, 974000026);

Note: the geometry is buggy (not well terminated) for the needs of basic testing.


The config.json file allows you to configure the tool to fit some basic needs.

You can review the previous example to understand the basic features.

    "sqlTableName": "commune",
    "geometryColumn": "polygon",
    "geometrySridFrom": "4171",
    "geometrySridTo": "2154",
    "columns": {
        "insee": "codeinsee",
        "nomreduit": "libelle"
    "addedColumns": [
            "name": "departement_id",
            "mode": "fixed",
            "value": 69
            "name": "id",
            "mode": "increment",
            "value": 974000026
  • sqlTableName specifies the name of the sql table to insert data into
  • geometryColumn specifies the name of the column used to store geometry data
  • geometrySridFrom specifies the SRID of the current geometry
  • geometrySridTo specifies the wanted SRID for resulting geometry (a st_transform function will be applied)
  • columns specifies the existing columns defined in geojson to keep and rename as destination columns. In our example it means we rename insee to codeinsee and nomreduit to libelle. All other found properties won't be mapped
  • addedColumns specifies some additional columns to avoid rewriting manually the sql orders. In our example it means "add a departement id with static value 69" and "add id with initial value 974000026 and increment it for each new line inserted"