
the stupid syslog sender

Primary LanguagePython


the stupid syslog sender


usage: logsend [-h] [-f EPS] [-n N] [-p PRIORITY] [-s SERVER] [-v] [-i FILE]

the stupid syslog sender

positional arguments:
  message               message by text

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f EPS, --eps EPS     events per second (eps)
  -n N, --number N      send N events, -1 for endless
  -p PRIORITY, --priority PRIORITY
                        syslog priority (facility.severity)
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        send to syslog server SERVER
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i FILE, --file FILE  message by file content



  • logging to localhost
$ ./logsend "myheader: my loooooong msg"
myheader: my loooooong msg

default priority is syslog.info, could be assigned by -p

  • to remote syslog server, using file as log source
$ ./logsend -i test.txt -s
loooooog line1
loooooog line2
loooooog line3
loooooog line4
loooooog line5
  • 3 events with frequency 10 eps (events per second)
$ ./logsend "myheader: my loooooong msg" -s -n3 -f10
myheader: my loooooong msg
myheader: my loooooong msg
myheader: my loooooong msg