For more informations about this sample please follow:
You are free to use this sample in your own mod.
You can download the Sample source code and mod at :
- Custom loading screen pictures
- Custom loading screen messages
- Custom loading screen logo
- Custom loading bar color
- Custom Main Menu Music
- Custom Main Menu Scene
- You can enable the features you want
Some tools we use to create and work on mods. You do not need to keep this folder, but if you want to use something from our tools you are allowed to use them :)
It's a example file to show what you can do, if you want to load only one picture when joining a chernarusplus server and another picture on a livonia (enoch) server you can !
Near the end of this page you should have a quick tutorial:
The path of your pictures is incorrect or the naming is wrong. The mod was not able to find the picture(s).
It could also be because your DayZ Tools "Addon Builder" doesn't include json files.
The path to your scripts is incorrect or it failed to compile the pbo containing the scripts.