CloudWalk Software Enginner Test

This project aims solve a Test to Software Engineering positions at CloudWalk.

It's composed by a parser which reads Quake 3 Arena log and groups game data of the matches. In addition, a script was developed to collect game data and show it readable on screen.

The workflow was based on gitflow, actually it's more like a reduced-gitflow with no feature branch due reduced number of features. The versioning follow semantic version



CMake was used to manage the build process. That way we can easily change the compiler and the operating system without further reworks.

Installation suggestion:

    sudo apt-get install cmake


The googletest was the framework chosen to orchestrate the unit test due developer's prior knowledge.

Installation suggestion:

    sudo apt-get install googletest

Getting started

To reproduce the environment get the source code:

    git clone
    cd logparser

Now you are ready to compile the code:

    mkdir build
    cd build

    # choose the build type
    cmake ../ ## for release build - this option make all warnings into errors and turns on all optimizations
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../ ## for debug build - this options shows debug information on compile time and include symbols into the binary.

    make -j4
    make install


Once you get started application binary will be delivered to ${PROJECT_ROOT}/bin as logparser.


Run it and a file match.rec whithin ${PROJECT_ROOT}/out will be created to store the game data. Later that file is use by a script to summarize the game data.

There is a script to print a report for matches and a player ranking. This script was written in Python. To see it type:

   python3 script/

Memory Leak detection

This project aims to free all heap blocks. To achieve it the valgring was used. To validate results type:

   valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes --verbose ./bin/logparser


To increase reliability the source code has been subjected to unit testing. A unit test application will be available after regular compile as well, to run it just type:.

   cd build
   ctest --verbose

The code coverage was identified by gcov/lcov tools.

Summary coverage rate: lines......: 97.4% (152 of 156 lines) functions..: 100.0% (28 of 28 functions) branches...: no data found

To reach this values just build the application in debug mode and then type:

    cd build
   lcov --capture --directory ./src --output-file
   lcov -r /usr/include/\* -o
   genhtml --output-directory codecoverage

Backlog - Future features

This project scope still covers some features which wasn't developed at this time. Following some of them:

  • End-to-end tests
  • CD pipeline

Thank you!