
This plugin adds multiple remote sorting to the extjs grid by allowing for the selection of multiple columns.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This plugin adds multiple remote sorting to the extjs grid by allowing for the selection of multiple columns.

Author : Joshua McDonald Email : joshuamcdonald69124@gmail.com Compatability : Extjs 4.1 Date : August 14, 2012

Notes: This plugin adds multiple remote sorting to the extjs grid by allowing for the selection of multiple columns.

Instructions: In your extjs grid please include the plugin with any default columns named in the following manner.

Ext.create('Ext.ux.InlineRemoteMultiSort', { defaultSorters: [ {property:'col1', direction:'ASC'}, {property:'col2', direction:'ASC'}, {property:'col3', direction:'ASC'} // .... ] })

Please place the file in the extjs/src/ux/ folder, and place the CSS file in the extjs/src/ux/css folder.

Output: The sort parameters will be sent as follows: sort:[{'item':'col1','direction:'ASC'},{'item':'col2','direction:'ASC'},{'item':'col3','direction:'ASC'}]

Remember that the code will pass a set of empty brackets if there are no sorters present, please handle this on the server side.

TODO : Numbered images to show the user the sort order would be a great addition.