A Web Based Recommendation System For Double Track Program Skill Selection


Double Track is a program in East Java Province aimed at reducing unemployment among high school graduates by offering skills training in seven fields: multimedia, culinary arts, fashion design, beauty care, electrical engineering, electrical installation, and light vehicle engineering. However, if students choose a field that doesn't match their aspirations, it can lead to wasted time and frustration. To address this, a web-based recommendation system is being developed. It uses the AHP and TOPSIS method to help students select a skill field based on factors like job availability, salary, interest, facility support, and entrepreneurial opportunities, aiming to provide informed decision-making support.

Important Resource

Running Locally

To run this project locally, ensure that you have installed all the necessary tools on your machine:

Then, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/albugowy/double-track-recommendation-web.git
cd double-track-recommendation-web
  1. Set all the required environment variables. You can find the necessary environment variables in the .env.example file.
  2. Install all dependencies
pnpm install
  1. Run your project in development mode
pnpm dev

# or with turbopack
pnpm dev --turbo
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

With Docker

This project includes a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file to facilitate running the project using Docker. Before starting, ensure you've created a .env file based on .env.example and filled it with all the required environment variables.

To begin, build the container using the following command:

docker build -t double-track-recommendation-web .

Then, run the container with:

docker run -p 3000:3000 double-track-recommendation-web

Alternatively, you can use Docker Compose to handle building and running the container:

docker-compose up --build

Tech Stacks

  • Next.js: This is a React framework renowned for its ability to render pages on the server side and generate static websites for React-based web applications. It's a powerful tool for building highly performant and SEO-friendly web experiences.
  • NextAuth: A robust authentication solution designed explicitly for Next.js applications. It seamlessly integrates with Next.js and Serverless architectures, providing a hassle-free way to implement secure authentication flows.
  • Tailwind: Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework equipped with a plethora of pre-defined classes. Its unique approach allows developers to compose designs directly within their markup, offering unparalleled flexibility and efficiency in styling web applications.
  • Vercel: Vercel serves as a cloud platform tailored for hosting static sites and Serverless Functions. Its seamless integration with workflows enables developers to deploy Jamstack websites and web services instantly, with automatic scaling and minimal configuration required.