
Numerical calculator developed by Java, assignment one for INSFCI 2470

Primary LanguageJava


The calculator implements the basic binary operations using infix style, and with proper error handling feedback to users.

The features of this state transferring calculator are as follow:

  • transferring state between inputting the first number, inputting operator, inputting the second number and calculating.
  • basic operations include plus, minus, multiplication and division.
  • supporting basic float computing.
  • the calculator will change to scientific notion style when input number exceeds digits limitation(14 for integer, 13 for float)
  • strict state transition rules.

Illegal input type:

  • Double decimal points in a number
  • Input equal without an operator
  • Leading with equal
  • Input without second number (op -> equal)
  • Leading with operators
  • Operator followed by another operator (op -> op)
  • Input operator after inputting the second number
  • Divider is zero

When inputting a number leading with a decimal point, the calculator would see the number as 0.###.
