
A single-instance distributed file system.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ganja File System (CS4400 Individual Project Task)

By Jerico Alcaras, 14317110

Run using NPM

This service requires Node and NPM in order to run (built and tested using Node 8.2.1 and NPM 5.5.1).


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run start-win.bat. This runs all the servers by executing their respective npm start scripts (make sure your Node installation is at C:/Program Files/nodejs). Five command prompts should appear and start installing Node modules, then start instances of each server.
  3. Connect to localhost:8080 and use the routes as described at https://github.com/alcarasj/ganja-file-system#api.


Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 (might not work on Mac, sorry).

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open a terminal and cd to the repository.
  3. chmod +x *.sh
  4. ./start-unix.sh
  5. Connect to localhost:8080 and use the routes as described at https://github.com/alcarasj/ganja-file-system#api.


If the above methods do not work, try the manual method.

  1. Open a terminal and cd to the repository.
  2. cd to ganja-file-server.
  3. npm start
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for all the other servers.


  • To delete all the data in the file system: delete-all-data-win.bat (Windows) or delete-all-data-unix.sh (Linux/Mac).
  • To remove Node modules in all servers (use this if servers fail to start): clean-win.bat (Windows) or clean-unix.sh (Linux/Mac).



  • All servers use the Express framework (https://www.npmjs.com/package/express).
  • ganja-web-server acts as a client proxy that sends/redirects requests to all other servers. It also performs error handling.
  • The file system is purely a back-end, RESTful service that uses HTTP and JSON, and can be easily attached to a front-end application or be used out-of-the-box.
  • The file system is a single instance that is accessed by all users, meaning that all files stored in the system can be accessed by all users.
  • Another layer of abstraction can be added above the ganja-file-system level to support multiple instances of ganja-file-system (yes, ganja-file-system is a 420-friendly, stone-age Google Drive).




Distributed Transparent File Access

  • Upload (with overwrite option), delete and download system.
  • All files are uniquely identified by their name.
  • Files are stored by instances of ganja-file-server in their respective data folders.
  • ganja-web-server handles all use cases and serves as a client proxy.

Security Service

  • Authentication and authorization, provided by ganja-auth-server using JWT (https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsonwebtoken).
  • On successful login, a JSON web token is returned that must be used in the x-access-token header for every HTTP request sent to all routes.

Directory Service

  • Flat file system, each successfully uploaded file will have the IP address of a ganja-file-server associated with it.
  • Implemented at the ganja-cluster-server level using local SQLite databases.


  • ganja-web-server is connected to multiple instances of ganja-cluster-server, and each ganja-cluster-server is connected to multiple instances of ganja-file-server.
  • Files are replicated (uploaded, overwritten and deleted) across all clusters.
  • File downloads are served via round-robin on instances of ganja-cluster-server as a naive form of load-balancing.


  • Caching is implemented at the ganja-web-server level using Cacheman (https://www.npmjs.com/package/cacheman).
  • Every upload is cached for faster download, with a TTL of 5 minutes.
  • This means that the most frequently modified files are cached for a faster download-then-overwrite use case.
  • This allows users to have access to the latest version of a file as soon as it is uploaded.


  • If implemented, a transaction service would be placed at the ganja-web-server and ganja-cluster-server levels for upload, overwrite and delete routes.
  • All upload, overwrite and delete requests would be written to a spool-file (a .txt file, one entry per line) and files (stored in a folder named by hash-value) stored in the tmp folder.
  • Since all files are replicated across all clusters, then these routes will have an entry in the spool-file for each cluster.
  • A spool-file entry and their associated file are to be deleted once a success response is received from the entry's designated recipient server.
  • If transactions are not completed when there is a server failure, the sender server will read the spool-file on start-up (if it fails itself) or time-out (if a recipient server fails), and re-send the request.

Lock Service

  • Lock-lease system, provided by ganja-lock-server, implemented using a key-value, cache-style system with TTL using Cacheman (https://www.npmjs.com/package/cacheman).
  • The user who has a lock on a file can modify it. Other users cannot modify it until this lock expires.
  • A lock request can have a user-defined lock time.
  • Maximum lock time is 24 hours.
  • Default lock time is 60 seconds if a lock time is not provided by the user.


  • All requests must be sent to ganja-web-server.
  • All routes have been tested using Postman (https://www.getpostman.com/).
  • All routes accept HTTP requests with a JSON body. Required fields are marked with a *.
  • All routes will return a JSON response body containing success:boolean and message:string (along with the rest of the data) to indicate whether or not the operation was performed successfully. The message will also help the user to identify errors.
  • All routes except /login and /register will require a token string to be passed in the user's x-access-token request header for authorization.
  • FILE_NAME is the URI-encoded string of a file's name.
Route Type Description Request Body Response Body
/login POST (urlencoded) User login. Returns a token for use on all routes. email*:string, password*:string token:string
/register POST (urlencoded) User registration. email*:string, password*:string -
/upload POST (form-data) Uploads one file to the system, with option to overwrite if file already exists, and option to make file lockable or not. file*:File, overwrite*:bool, lockable*:bool -
/files GET Lists all files that are currently in the system. - files[]:{ fileName: string, lockable: boolean }
/files/FILE_NAME GET Downloads a file from the system, specified by FILE_NAME. - file:File
/files/FILE_NAME DELETE Deletes a file from the system, specified by FILE_NAME. - -
/lock GET Locks a lockable file in the system for the user, with option for a user-specified lock time in seconds (default is 60 if not specified, max is 86400). fileName*:string, lockTime:int -
/unlock GET Unlocks a file that was locked by the same user. fileName*:string -
/checkForLock GET Checks if a file is currently locked. The modify response field indicates whether the file can be modified by the user (this is used for deletion and overwriting). fileName*:string locked:boolean, modify:boolean