
Implementation of a CXF Web Service that eventually places a response on basic Rabbit MQ queue.

Primary LanguageJava

Web Services Queue Producer

DRAFT - The code here is purely for personal experimentation and not intended for public demonstration of any kind.

Implementation of a CXF Web Service that eventually sends response to RabbitMQ

This is primarily an exploration of a moderatly complex threading scenario for the purpose of learning more about how to use Java threading.

The general scenario is;

Each web service request is set using an individual async task.
There is a single Rabbit MQ consumer that receives all results.

Given many requests to be sent to web service
And immediate reply from web service with job identifier
And long wait for job processing result to be placed on message queue
When we send 20 requests we process only 4 at same time waiting until have revived result before starting next one Then if any request fails at any stage we abort sending any further requests And if we take to long to get a result on the queue for a given request we abort sending any further requests

Models processing in situation where the number of jobs is much larger and duration of processing can extend to a few hours. The web service requests can come from many unmanaged clients in quantities large enough to clog up the processing pipe-line.

Github practice repository

This repository is also, for me, a practise one for using Github.
For this reason there will be atypical activity that is purely for the purpose of exploring Github usage.