
Sample repository for a Phoenix App running in Gitpod. Also compiles ElixirLS for better IntelliSense support.

Primary LanguageElixir

Phoenix application in Gitpod

Open in Gitpod

Sample application to develop Phoenix applications in Gitpod.

What's in the box?

  1. Dockerfile based upon gitpod/workspace-full.
  2. PostgreSQL 14
  3. Compiles ElixirLS extension with the current Erlang/Elixir version to properly autocomplete when using the use macro. The extension is installed using a task in .vscode/tasks.json. Currently there is no other way to do this until you can define extensions via a local file path in .gitpod.yml.

Files to look at

  1. .gitpod.yml
  2. .gitpod.Dockerfile
  3. gitpod/install_extensions.sh
  4. .vscode/tasks.json