Alchemix UniV2 50/50 LP to Balancer 80/20 LP Migrator


Migrator.sol facilitates migrating UniV2 LPs to an 80/20 Balancer LP with the option to deposit directly into an Aura pool.

  • LP: UniV2 LP Token
  • BPT: 20WETH-80TOKEN Balancer Pool Token
  • auraBPT: 20WETH-80TOKEN Aura Deposit Pool
  • See MigrationCalcs.sol for the calculations that need to be made and passed into migrate()
  • The calculations or output of getMigrationParams() should be used as values for MigrationParams in IMigrator.sol
  • The Migrator will unwrap the UniV2 LP tokens, rebalance the 50/50 TOKEN/WETH balance to an 80/20 TOKEN/WETH balance by swapping extra WETH for TOKEN, deposit the rebalanced 80/20 TOKEN/WETH amount into a Balancer pool, and either deposit the newly minted BPT tokens into an Aura pool sending msg.sender auraBPT, or transfer the BPT directly to the msg.sender




Getting Started

Create a .env file with the following environment variables

ALCHEMY_API_KEY=<alchemy api key>

Install latest version of foundry

curl -L | bash

Install dependencies

forge install


Run all foundry tests at current block

make test_all

Coverage report in terminal

make test_summary

Coverage report lcov file

make test_coverage


on localhost

Generate natspec documentation locally with make docs_local

to ouput file

Generate and build documentation to ./documentation with make docs_build