Geonames API Connector

Build Status

This is a consumer for the GeonamesServer.


  • Connector creation :
$connector = ALchemy\Geonames\Connector::create($serverUrl);
  • Query cities :
// returns an array of Alchemy\Geonames\Geoname objects
$geonames = $connector->search('Paris');

Query options :

// limit to 50 results
// use '' as IP address for closeness sort
$connector->search('Paris', 50, '');
  • Find by IP :
// returns a Alchemy\Geonames\Geoname object
$geoname = $connector->ip('');
  • Find a GeonameId :
// returns a Alchemy\Geonames\Geoname object
$geoname = $connector->geoname(2988507);

Silex Service Provider

$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new Alchemy\Geonames\GeonamesServiceProvider(), array(
    'geonames.server-uri' => 'http://geonames.domain.tld',  // mandatory parameter


This project is released under the MIT License.