Supabase Soccer Scorekeeper

Learning Objectives

  • Create an object containing complex values (objects or arrays) and access any item in that complex object using dot and bracket notation
  • Display errors to users with an alert inside a .catch block
  • In response to a user event, make a fetch call add a new object to the database and display the new state to the user.

Buggy Supabase Soccer Scorekeeper

Here is the model for the games table

Live Example:

User should be able to . . .
Visit the deployed pages on GitHub pages, with link in the About section of the Github repo .5
Events `
On the home page ('/'), Login and Signup using the login and signup form. On success, redirect to the /games page .5
Logout by clicking the logout button .5
If a non-logged-in user tries to visit the games page, redirect them to the login page .5
On the games page load, see a form and empty current game div 1
On the games page load, fetch all past games and render them to the past games div 1
On submit, add the team names to the current game div .5
On clicking add or subtract, increment and decrement the correct score in the current game div .5
On clicking finish, empty the current game div, and use supabase to add the current game to the database. 1
On clicking finish, clear the past games div, then fetch all past games from supabase and render them in the past games div. 1
IMPURE: displayCurrentGameEl() : displays the form state to the current game DOM element .5
IMPURE: displayAllGames() : clears out and appends to games div .5
PURE (stretch: with TDD): renderGame(game) : returns DOM node .5
PURE (stretch: with TDD): renderTeam(name, score) : return DOM node .5
ASYNC: createGame(game) : creates a game for currently logged in user in supabase .5
ASYNC: getGames() : returns games for currently logged in user from supabase .5