- 1
- 2
FR: Dont wrap wagmi viem, integrate underneath like @coinbase/onchain-kit
#1142 opened by polus-arcticus - 0
- 0
- 1
Why the `SupportedAccounts` on `useSendUserOperation` hook is limited to Alchemy Web Signers?
#960 opened by valerioleo - 1
#1119 opened by JoseMiguelHerrera - 0
re-export commonly needed methods from account-kit/core from account-kit/react
#757 opened by moldy530 - 0
docs: <My Documentation Request>
#1091 opened by ayanwaar - 0
Subdomain cookies error
#1105 opened by avarobinson - 6
the client.ts file is causing build failures in React Native / Expo projects due to the line const isDev = window.location.hostname.includes("localhost");.
#1092 opened by moldy530 - 1
FR: Verify session on server
#958 opened by carlbarrdahl - 1
- 0
Improve invalid user operation struct error
#964 opened by avarobinson - 0
docs: v4 policyId param change
#950 opened by avarobinson - 0
- 1
bump viem version
#939 opened by jamesondh - 0
[Auth Modal] Change the footer to make it smaller
#816 opened by moldy530 - 0
[Components] Update to Context / create new createConfig method for react package
#818 opened by moldy530 - 0
[Docs] React guides
#821 opened by moldy530 - 0
[Components] Support more EOAs
#820 opened by moldy530 - 0
Make the default for LightAccount be v2 using EP 0.7
#779 opened by moldy530 - 1
Support Blast & BlastSepolia
#892 opened by niratodev - 1
- 0
docs: Incorrect param format for signTypedData
#916 opened by avarobinson - 0
Improve signTypedData return type
#915 opened by avarobinson - 0
docs: addPasskey broken link
#908 opened by avarobinson - 0
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module
#907 opened by nufailTanjiro - 0
- 0
FR: useTokenBalances hook
#897 opened by avarobinson - 0
Expiration time in session config is not applying
#889 opened by moldy530 - 0
FR: do not allow uninstall plug-in if only one installed - avoid bricked accounts
#885 opened by avarobinson - 0
- 0
[Docs] React quick start update / write new
#819 opened by moldy530 - 0
docs: broken link on multisig plugin
#873 opened by avarobinson - 0
FR: `checkEligibility` in account-kit results in a sponsorhip, but I can't use it
#872 opened by moldy530 - 0
FR: checkEligibility in account-kit results in a sponsorhip, but I can't use it
#876 opened by avarobinson - 1
- 0
- 3
SetChain in multi chain doesn't work
#837 opened by InfiniteAengus - 1
Mainnet: precheck failed: maxPriorityFeePerGas is 1000000 but must be at least 1250000000
#795 opened by kowalski - 0
docs: <My Documentation Request>
#803 opened by leonardosocial - 0
[question] AA hooks with a Web3Auth signer
#850 opened by bmarcot - 1
Missing docs result in generic vercel 404 page
#807 opened by moldy530 - 0
[Demo App] QA the app
#817 opened by moldy530 - 0
[Demo App] Mobile responsiveness
#815 opened by moldy530 - 0
Add lint fixer for re-exported class functions
#755 opened by moldy530 - 0
Add linter rule for re-exported class functions
#754 opened by moldy530 - 0
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